Lost and Blind and Heartbroken

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                I was in my quarters for many hours, maybe days. I couldn't leave. I had lost Ky. I had lost Ky because of my ignorance. I had killed Ky.
I sit up for the first time in forever. My hands shake as they pull me up. My legs dangle off the edge of my mattress, heavily. I pull my hands to my face and groan. I feel awful.
I reach and pull away some tears. I wipe my wet face on my shirt. I sit on my bed, hopelessly. I want to start to cry again when I hear a small whine. I look up and spot a small loth cat. He purrs and leaps next to me on my bed.
"Oh White." I whisper, as I pick him up and hold him close. He purrs and rubs his face against mine, gently. I laugh. Something I didn't think I could do anymore. I pet him in my lap and smile at him for making me happier, but it fades as quickly as it came. I think of Ky. He loved White just as much as I did. Tears come involuntarily. I'm surprised I haven't ran out of tears.
I cry with White in my arms when I hear a knock at the door. Alora.
"Do I even have a choice this time?" I make a simply true statement.
She enters, and the door creaks behind her as she shuts the door. "That was a joke." She mumbles. "Don't take this out on me."
"You think I'm taking this out on you?" I scoff. "Let me tell you one thing. The only people who are 'gonna pay for this is the First Order." Anger boils up from inside.
"Be careful with revenge." She states. "It can control you." My anger rises.
"Yes, because you haven't wanted to wreak havoc on Kylo either?" By now I'm yelling.
"Okay, now stop. I'm only warning you." She puts up her hand and makes a pointed hand motion towards me, as if that's going to make a difference. So now she's babying me. Great.
"I don't need your warning." I state, standing up to meet her, even though I am a few inches shorter. I lift my chin.
"I'm telling you this so Mandalore doesn't fall with you for your stupid mistakes." How funny. "Mandalore needs their leader." I look at her, surprised by her remark. Then I relax.
"Then get a new one." I turn away from her and start to leave without looking back.
Suddenly, I am caught by surprise. Alora tackles me into the back wall. My back aches and cracks as it hits the wall and my head rebounds after. I groan.
"Sumya you are not going to let innocent people die because you are devastated. You can't let Kha- Ky's death control your life!" She begins to yell and I understand now. "Your pain can't lead to the death of other's." I remember now. The first time we met, and no it was not when Bo-Katan died. We met before that. Way before. We were both on a mission. She had just lost Khann, her love. I had to stop her multiple times from getting herself killed. She was lost by pain and hurt and lastly love.
Alora drops her head and releases me.
"Alora, I didn't mean it that way..." She holds up her hand to stop me but it's not enough. "No! Alora I was wrong. Your right. I can't let his death lead to more. I must protect the ones I love, or they may slip away." I had taken her words, from the time we met. A single tear strokes her face and makes residence on her lower lip. She opens her arms and I run to embrace her.
"We're not weak. We're strong." Alora's voice cracks, repeating the exact words we had exchanged years before.
"But we're stronger together." I say as more tears come, trailing down my cheek like a strong stream of water, roaring. A strong stream of water.

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