Destroy and Kill

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We prowl the hallways, scaling the walls. Being extra careful around corners. I make my way towards Alora's quarters and barge in. She wakes in alarm. Sweat and tears covered her face and neck.
"Alora?" I go to her side with haste.
She pulls herself up. "I'm fine." She brushes me off with a hand. "Snoke..." she nods her head. "He's coming."

We had gotten to Mandalore only a night before. I had saved the day. I smiled, but something kept nagging at me. Telling me that something was wrong.
I couldn't sleep. My mind wouldn't work, and a migraine surrounded my thoughts confining what I could see. I closed my eyes and just for a moment and saw too much. Kylo, Snoke, my father. More images come. Ahsoka, Beatriz, Alora, Ursa, and lastly Sumya. I couldn't make out the rest. I opened my eyes. Sweat covered my body and face, making the small, thin sheet uncomfortable. I jump out of bed and leave my quarters.
                    "I need to clear my mind." I mutter. I pass Alora's quarters and sense concern. I stop and and listen into the conversation.
                     "I've been a fool!"

                      "I've been a fool!" I pull my hands to my face and stand. "So Snoke is in your dreams?" I ask, pulling all of my thoughts together.
                       "Yes." She says unsurely.
                       "Snoke is controlling your dreams. He's trying to scare us. Confuse us. Distract us." I move my hands in a fluid motion.
                        "Distract us from what?" Ursa asks. She rubs her eyes tiredly.
                         "The final battle."

KYLO REN (first person)
                         Morai hasn't come back yet, but that shouldn't be one of my top priorities. I want Mandalore to burn. She doesn't understand. I'm imprisoned.
                         The Star destroyer shook underneath my feet.
                           But Morai's sad eyes... her crying face... her lost face...- Kylo you can't think about her right now. Snoke won't allow it. He will kill her... Her beautiful hair, dying face...
                            The ship shook again.
                             We landed...

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now