Lost Without Hope

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                 "Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance codes to land."
                  "Yes, sir." I level my voice, sounding almost bored, as I transfer the clearance codes. There was a long pause. A very long pause. My hands shook and my eyes landed on Tieyan. She gave me a version of a reassuring glare but she was clearly as scared as I am. Finally a voice rang through the com-system.
                I sat forward in my seat, anxious for the next words to come. My heart raced, my hands shook, my head spun, and my stomach ached in both anxiety and hunger.
                "Shuttle Tydirium, you are clear for landing."
                "Landing now." After I knew the com was over, I let out a long sigh of relief. "We did it." I say to Tieyan who has relaxed in her seat.
                 "Don't celebrate too early. We still need to get out of this place, let alone get to the detention level. This was the easy part."
                 "You're telling me." My smile fades as I know she is right, but I don't give up hope, I just focus on landing the shuttle and getting Ky out of here, if he's still alive.

I carefully land the ship, and prepare for the worst. I carefully leave my seat and look at Tieyan.
                 "Ready?" She asks with a steadied voice.
                  "You bet." I say with a hollow laugh. She returns it with a smile full of anxiety.
"What next?" She asks.
"We go get Ky." I answer simply, walking out of the cockpit.
"How?" She asks, grabbing my arm. "You have a plan, right?"
                     I laugh awkwardly. "About that..." She slaps me. It comes, decently hard, landing heavily on my cheek. It's probably red. "I'm kidding. Of course I have a plan."
                    "Why do I have the feeling that you're lying?" She stares at me, one eyebrow raised.
                    "That would be a good assumption."

We hide swiftly in a cargo hatch and wait, anxiously, for a couple stormtroopers to come by.
                   "This plan is stupid. You're stupid." Tieyan whispers, under her breath.
                   "You get mad when you're scared." I whisper-yell. I receive a small kick from Tieyan who sits with her legs clutched to her chest. The kick was a warning. She was practically saying, 'Want another slap?'
                   After about a minute of anticipation, exactly two stormtroopers enter the ship. I take my gun from its holster and prepare for some fun. I set the gun, swiftly to stun and open the latch, silently. I jump out of the small shipment holder and land silently on the ship's gray surface. The force definitely has its perks. I quickly help Tieyan up and she joins me while I sneak up against the one stormtrooper who looks confused at the empty ship. With the pull of a trigger, two soldiers fall down to the floor.
                  "Now we have disguises. Change quick or we will regret ever living in the first place." I leave a hollow joke.
                  "Roger that."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now