Trouble is Stirred

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                Kylo slowly turns my way. He extends his hand and two stormtroopers pick me up and force me to a fate I don't know of yet. The two large stormtroopers lift me to my feet and hit me with the end of their gun. I continue forward, down a long hallway. I lift my eyes and look at my surroundings, memorizing where we are going. Looking for a way to escape.
We stop at a door. My boots stop with a squeak. I hear something going on inside. I hear groaning and pain. The door opens and I see Ky. He looks at me.
"Ky! What's happening?" I ask him. He tilts his head. "Ky?" I ask him as he stands from where he sits and messes with the collar of his shirt.
               "Lillia Skywalker," he pauses as he recognizes me. "I've been waiting to meet you."

I hold the large sword in my bare hands. It radiates, life welling from within. The dark, lightning-webbed, sword steams the air, piercing it with its ray, like lightning to a stormed sky. The gripped, thin, handle lays coolly in my hands. It weighs heavily in my arm. I hold it up, high over my head, letting its heat warm my cool face. My hair moves and glides across my forehead and cheeks. My hair is loose and wavy, moving back and forth, with every slight movement. My nose inhales the deep, fresh hair that fills my lungs and provides oxygen for me to breathe. I easily breathe in and out as the cold air clogs my breath and makes it visible. I shut my eyes and allow the strong wind to push my hair back and forth. My hair has grown and the tips reached my thighs. The old  purple is now blue, matching my armor. Then I hear something.

A small voice calls out. My voice. Something appears in the darkness of my closed eyes. A girl. Me. She holds out her hand and looks at the boy she now knows so fondly. Ky. He had gathered tears in his eyes and ran to sit next to the girl. He took a seat, under a familiar tree. The treehouse tree. She says something that creates the smallest of a smile but a smile. The image swirls and I watch myself grow, starting from my height and hair to my face and maturity. I see how our relationship started.... and then how it ended.

A new image formed. Away from the treehouse, Ky was running. I saw him, pistol in hand. He hid behind a log and cocked his gun. He looked down and I then saw Kylo coming his way. As a spectator, there was nothing I could do. The evil man forced him away from the tree and to the ground. Ky grunted and coughed on impact.
"Sumya!" He yelled. Kylo didn't move, instead he raised his arm and two stormtroopers took Ky from underneath his arms. Abruptly, a large transport ship landed, ending with a gust of wind, to the surface, where it filled up with the man that had been there whenever I needed and I was there when he needed me. We couldn't fight, or get really mad at each other. We couldn't let go.

This is why I must stop them.

This is why I must rebel.

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