Among the Stars: Epilouge

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"I can't live with it any longer."
"I won't take it."
"No one should have it if not you."
"Then no one will have it at all."

  "I've been waiting to get my revenge." Malice drips from his every word. His laugh rattles my brain. More tears. The Lieutenant shoves a familiar blade towards my chest. I can't kill him. I will have to kill him.
"You're brainwashed Ky! Kylo brainwashed you!" I plea as he comes my way, the saber ignited. The red blades cuts the air as he swirls it around.
"Liar!" His frustration fuels his every move. He moves faster and throws his sword at me with unconfined anger. I block his attacks to the best of my ability, without hurting him. He makes it harder. "You killed so many of our stormtroopers, our soldiers, even your own family." He says mockingly. Tears are rapid now, burning off with each of Ky's heartbreaking attacks.
"You're just confused!" I call, blocking another attack. I start to take more offensive attacks so I don't die, and, in the process, skim his arm. The cut isn't fatal, but I'm not sure I can make it out of here with him. He falls to the ground, clutching his arm, and I reach, slowly bending down with my saber held at Ky's throat, and grab his weapon. "They're has to be a way to save you." I say crying more. The dark saber shakes as I point it at him.
"Kill me." His plea is genuine. Ky.
"I can't." My voice breaks and my hands shake as tears flow down my face and set on my lower lip. I move my saber away from his throat. I don't keep it ignited.
"You have to." He snarls, growling. Kylo steps toward me. Taunting me. He will kill him if I don't.
I pierce my blade into him. Ky screams. It pierces the air and I don't watch. Tears come from my eyes down to my mouth and off my chin to my chest. I fall to my knees, clutching his cold hands.
"Move on." He states, taking a heavy breath. I look at him. His tan skin and dark eyes bleed into mine. "I love you." He states taking his taking his last breath.
"I love you, too."


The thoughts are rapid. The remembrance of the man I loved must leave now. He sacrificed himself for me as did my family, I will never forget him.
This day I turn twenty. Ky's death was only four years ago, but I feel this is long overdue.
I clutch Quin's hand, his narrow fingers intertwined with mine. My other hand holds my darksaber. My hand stays steady as we walk away from Clan Wren and to the ocean I knew as a child. We reach the sand. Alora stands on my other side. I nod to her and she smiles. My eyes don't tear up now. I have remembered the boy I loved and he will forever be in my heart. He was family but now I must move on, for Quin, for my family, for the rebellion, for my cause.
The water laps at my feet. It is cold and my legs eventually feel numb. My heart feels sore, but I will cherish the moments I remember of him. The whole of Clan Cadera and Wren line the ends of the beach, all of them along the sand. They all stand in solemn silence with their faces toward the setting sun. Family is the most important thing to our people, if not honor. I rest my head on Quin's shoulder and stare at the small boat out on the ocean. It is made of wood with engravings along the side. I had taken it from the treehouse from so long ago. It still stands wear he built it, a couple planks taken from a windowsill and the ceiling, but otherwise in prime condition for the next generation of children to come. I then lift my head, look at Quin and let go. I meet the boat at the edge of the water, stare at the emptiness of it. We tried to retrieve his body but he had died and fell with the ship he had died on. So, I now imagine his body, lying peacefully beneath a blanket, green, the color of his clan. I then hold out the dark saber and place it carefully in the boat. It falls almost silently, but I faintly hear metal against wood. I put my hand against the end of the boat, my hand finding wooden engravings and slowly push it out into the sea.
I leave the boat and find Quin waiting for me at the water's edge. He holds out my bow to me and once I find him, I take it gratefully. I find the fire Clan Cadera made and put the tip of my bow in the fire for it to catch flame. When it does, fire twisting around the tip so beautifully, I raise my bow to the boat as it moves slowly in the opposite direction. The water laps at the sides. I pull on my bowstring, pulling it tight to my jaw and release. My arrow lands in the boat as it sails. Once it hits, every soldier and every man and woman on the water's edge pull their bows and release an arrow on the boat. The sail and wood of the boat catch fire and we all watch in silence as the boat leaves out of our sight and the moon has taken the sun's place, drawing the stars out of hiding. They dance against the black blanket of the sky. I look up to one star in particular. It shines brighter than any other.
"He lives there now," I hear Quin say as I pull his hand into mine. "Among the ancestors."
I smile, as my final tear of Ky slides down my face. "Among the stars."

I realize now that love isn't what makes you weak, it makes you stronger. It drags you across a battlefield when your body screams at you to stop. Love gives you something to live for. Love gives you something to die for. I notice now that love floods a raging fire seeking to burn everything that wronged it. I understand now that love heals a broken heart and keeps it beating. I know now that the world isn't just one person. I know now that if I avenged a death it wouldn't heal the man I loved, and it won't bring him back. I realize now that love is in every person and can cure any broken heart. All they must do is find it.

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