Too Late

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I bolted out the room. The hallways of Clan Wren were crowded and I had to yell to hear myself.
"Excuse me! I must get through." I screech guiding Ky, our hands intertwined, through the crowd. The crowd split. I let go of Ky and sprinted towards the exit.
"Sumya! Sumya!" He called after me. I didn't stop. "Sumya! Wait." He continues. I turn and face him.
"Ky the First Order is here, and you want me to wait?!" My arms flail.
"Just hear me out." He puts his hands up in surrender. I nod and take a deep breath. "Have patience." He hands me a comlink. I smile. "We will win. I know we will. We have you."
Tears threaten my eyes, but I hold them back. I think of before the war. I remember Ky leading we off into the woods. Taking me away from the stress of war entirely. I want to laugh aloud at the past.
                 He held my hand close, pulling my head to his chest. I let the tears run. His heart beat was the only thing I heard. It was a reminder. If I fail that will be gone. If I fail. If I die. If he dies. If Mandalore dies. If, that cursed word, if I fail... we all die.

Ky let go all to quickly. "You can do this. I know you can."
"I know." I lift my chin. Pride and confidence, that was long lost, rushes through me once again. I turned around and left Clan Wren with one last look to Ky's direction. Tears streaming down both our faces. I love you. His lips say, without sound.

I love you more...
• • •
I reached the spot of the First Order's arrival. I spotted their ship. It was long and agile. It was made to get through scanners. It was decently small. Gray and silver streaks dance along the side of the ship where the sun's ray hits. I smile and pull out the comlink.
"I found them. Repeat I found them. Coordinates, 24-B. I'm going in." I whisper, keeping as quiet as possible. I got an almost instant answer.
"Sumya! No. Don't do that! They will kill you!" Alora answers, almost screaming.
"Shush!" I quiet her down. "You are going to get me killed before I even enter the ship."
"You are going to enter the ship!" She whisper-yells.
Someone leaves the ship and stalks the area meanwhile ordering troopers. It was a man I hadn't ever seen before. He was dark. He clothes were black and his presence even darker. Snoke. I gawked. He had a large hood. No mask. His stare lingered over towards the woods. I step on a branch. His eyes whip towards me. The ground was wet and I got down closer to the ground. I had to. My body worked before my brain. He is here, and he is going to kill everyone.
Stormtroopers leave the ship. At the end, Kylo and Morai leave the ship. Morai looks at Kylo. Her expression hidden beneath her mask. Kylo quickly takes her hand. It was a swift movement. Not meant for others to see. She looks away. Obviously reassured. How could she love the most hated man in the whole galaxy?

**Thanks for reading**

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now