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I jump into Alora's arms. "I missed you." I whisper. "I'm so glad you came to Clan Wren." I say again. I release her. "Who mind-erased you?" I ask, still shaken from the memory. Alora shakes her head.
"Snoke." She says.
"Alora... you have the force. You must be trained." I take her hands in mine. "I must defeat Snoke." I lift my head and turn to stare at everyone in the group.
The floor shook beneath my feet. It happened again and again. I looked at Ky.
"More have come. An army." He stares at the screens openly. He pounds at the table. "At least ten star destroyers." He looks back at me, meeting my gaze. His dark eyes bleed into mine.
"Alora, get Clan Wren ready. Ky you're here. Ursa stay here. Lillia and Beatriz you are with Alora." Everyone nods, but Ursa. "I'm sorry. You must stay here." She nods.
"I understand."

I will go after Snoke...

KYLO REN (first person)
I ordered troops alongside Morai. I don't care if Snoke knows. He will pay if he gets anywhere close to her. I will do anything to keep her safe, and she is safest right next to me. Morai takes my hand again pulling me towards her.
"Please. Promise me you are going through with our plan." She pleads.
"I promise. Snoke will die."
"That wasn't the plan." She releases.
"We can't just capture him. He'll escape." I answer. She nods.
"If it's the only way."

I run to the woods, careful to not be seen. I carry Ky in tow. He follows grunting his way through.
                          "Sumya, you can't do this alone." He says, avoiding a pricker-bush.
                           "Why can't I?" I question, looking back at him with a glare I don't use often, anymore.
                            "Someday, you are going to get yourself killed." He mumbles underneath his breath.
                               "Isn't that the plan?"
                               • • •
I take a swift left. I try to break Ky, but he trails close behind me, nipping at my heels. I say nothing until the silence annoys me too much.
"Ky, go home!" I almost yell at him.
"No." He persists. "You can't do this alone."
"What are you saying?" I push the topic. "Are you saying I am not capable enough?"
He shakes his head violently and then walks at my side, trying to keep my pace. I move faster. Why doesn't he understand? He makes me so angry sometimes. I growl, clench my fists into a ball, and push onward.
                          "I didn't mean it like that." His voice softens. His cold hand grazes my arm and then he gently grabs it, halting me. "I meant, I can't lose you. I am here to make sure of it. I know you could probably kill Kylo if you had to, if you were allowed to." He grumbles the last part, but I know he was right. I would kill him if I was allowed to. I would definitely stoop to his level and kill him, happily. He looks at me, right at me. He looks deeply into my eyes, making me want to sink, to melt. He pulled me close, and I lost all anger I had of him. He wrapped me into an embrace, holding me tight, until all I heard was his steady heart beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. The same reminder of before. He is my own doing. If I fail, he dies... everything I love dies.
                     Tears leave my eyes. Ky is there to comfort me. I couldn't lose him. Not again.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now