The Hope that Dissipates

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                I stood taking in the screaming rants from Tieyan. It's like she practices these things for when I mess up.
                "... And if we don't make it outta' her alive, we are going to have a talk! You hear me?! A long talk!" She stomps her foot and takes a long deep breath.
                 "You done?" I ask, pinching the bridge of my nose.
                 "I will be if we make it out alive." She states and I sigh.
                  "Well you practically gave away our position, and our disguise." I counter, letting my hand fall from my nose to my hip. Then I shrug. "I may not be the only reason we die here." I mutter, but Tieyan is already moving past me. She pulls on her helmet and I drag behind her.
                 "This way." I mumble correcting her right turn.
                  "I knew that." She snaps but I let her go.
                   I had thought of how to get to Ky. Then I thought of how idiotic I was acting before and I started hoping we don't spend our last days in the cell blocks we pass. Each one is bleaker than the next. Then something strikes me. A strange feeling creeps up my spine and I hear a voice.
                 "Hey, Lillia, how long do you think we will live before we die from food poisoning?" I almost laugh aloud when I hear the voice of my friend. Beatriz.
                 Stormtroopers gaurded the door and I stunned them when I got the best chance. Then I opened the door with haste and Tieyan pulls me back.
                 "How do you know this isn't a trap?"
                "I don't." I reply, as the door departs, revealing our lost friends.
                "Sumya!" Beatriz says, relieved. "How'd you get here?"
                 "Long story, but I'll explain later." Tieyan states.
                  I enter the cell and help Lillia up. She looked awful. She had probably been put through a lot.
"I thought you died." My voice cracks a little, uncontrollably.
       "What?" She asks. "Who told you I died?"
        "Good question." I laugh. "But for a different time. Let's move. But wait, where's Ky?" I ask noticing the missing person that I had originally made this rescue mission for.
        "Sumya," Beatriz comes across the room to pat my shoulder. "That's a story for the ship. I'll tell you then." I didn't want to wait but decided to anyway.
           Beatriz and Lillia follow Tieyan out. I take the tail end. Lillia turns to me.
           "Sumya, I know where Ky is." She surprises me.
           "Okay, tell me." I answer, anxiously.
            "I'm not sure you're ready." She warns me.
            "I'm not sure anyway." I stand up straight and stop short as a pack of stormtroopers walk past us. "Keep moving, you rebel scum!" I shout hitting Lillia with the back of my gun. "Sorry." I mutter underneath my breath, so low only Lillia could hear.
              We had made it out all the way to the transport ship when we had to explain to a soldier that Kylo wanted them sent to Hux for better containment. That, somehow, worked.
               In the ship, we quietly let out relieved sighs.
               "Okay, what happened to Ky?" I announce allowed. Beatriz gives Lillia a glare and they both solemnly and silently decide how to explain it. Beatriz starts first.
               "So, Kylo came to visit us." She paused. That's never good. "He took Ky, and..." she paused again, looking down. "H- he brainwashed him..."
               I pause, as the realization sinks in. I sink into the chair I had settled in. Tears came, rapidly. "Where is he." I growl.
              "Kylo probably has him. To make it better, Kylo can't hurt him." Lillia mumbles.
              "Are you guys okay? He didn't brainwash you, right?" I ask. The nod their heads.
              "We're fine."
               "Okay, good. Now, lets go find Ky."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now