Friends Bonded by War

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                 Alora had stayed with me through the night. We cried and talked and laughed. I couldn't tell you why, but all I needed was good memories, to delete the bad. I sat up and spot Alora on the small mattress on the ground that she had created just the night before. She was, as it looked, asleep, of course until her eyes fluttered open and landed on me.
                "Good morning." She states calmly.
                "Good morning." I echo. "Good rest?" I ask as she lifts her hands to her face and rubs her tired eyes. I stretch my arms and legs getting a feeling of strain and then I stop. I yawn.
                 "One of my better ones." She states and I nod.
                  "I'd agree." I leave a gentle smile. I sit down next to her on the thin mattress, and we sit there in silence for what feels like ages until I finally speak up. "I miss him Alora." My voice cracks a little when it comes out. She nods and I grab her hand, before I realize what I am doing, I place her cold fingers onto my forehead and I'm filled with only memory.
• • •
The image comes to view. I see the tree house, and Ky. I start to cry, and it's not the fact that I am seeing him again, it's just the fact that he's happy. Just that warms my heart. I had an impact on him.
We climb into the treehouse together and settle down for some of the food that he had left out. We talk and exchange stories back and forth. Ky talked about his Clan, Clan Ursan, and then he spoke of his family who died fighting honorably. I couldn't help but see him upset, so I changed the subject. Seeing him- seeing this again, hurts. It's like having a dream, a good dream and then waking up to... nothing. It hurts.
The image disintegrates as Alora pulls my hand away. She then takes mine and pulls it to her's.
First, I see Alora on her home-planet Taris. She sees Khann and he gives her a simple introduction. "Hey. My name is Khann. I know this might sound really weird but I need your help. My friend just bailed on me. I am here trying to stop this whole nonsense and I hope you are too." He states calmly, but his voice trailed. I hear a gunshot.
The image changes. I see Khann's death. He lays coldly on the floor of what I think is an Imperial ship. Alora cries over him. She won't let him go. She doesn't not even when she is forcefully pulled away.
I pull my hand away.
My heart aches and I pull my hand away to drag away some tears. I put my hand back and ask one simple question. A question that may ruin my life, but it is worth asking.
"How- how did Ky die?" My voice shakes. She nods and we are again flooded with memory.
                         I wake up. My eyes flutter, my head aches. The image shakes and swirls to a sudden stop. It stills. I stand. I look around an open field. I run towards what I hope is Clan Wren. I don't make it anywhere close when I hear his voice.
                         "Sumya!" He calls. I turn to him and see him. Tears streak his face.
                           "Ky?" I run into his arms and he moves to embrace me. "Ho- how'd you get here?"
                            "I don't have much time. I need to warn you. Snoke is trying to find the map to Skywalker." He pauses, my heart stops. "He's going to take Tieyan and Lillia." The realization sinks in. "Sumya," He shakes me back to reality. "Sumya, listen. Find Rey, save Tieyan and Lillia. Sumya, rescue me."
                                    • • •
                              Then Ky disappears.

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now