Author's Note!

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            Hello fellow Mandalorians! I hope you all enjoyed the final chapter to this book. Thank you all so much for following Sumya's journey with me. It's been a long ride. I remember finishing my first book and becoming so proud of myself. The book now stands with 1000 reads and I couldn't be anymore thankful. I have many I need to thank so I will make this quick.

I thank God, for he is Love. I thank him because he also gave me my ability to write and gave me the ideas to create such a book. I thank God first because he was always my #1 fan.

I thank my family for helping me become who I am, and for tolerating every time I read part of my book aloud to them.

I thank my friend warriorcat725 for reading my books even though she never really appreciated Star Wars. I also thank her for being such an amazing supporter in everything I do, if I haven't said it enough, thank you so much for just being you when I need you.

And I would also like to thank the following people who helped inspire me during the process of writing my books:


I am not sure how else I could express how much I appreciate you all. You all have done so much for me and I can't thank you guys enough.
                               Until next time,

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