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                "Our troopers aren't ready!" The soldier mutters.
                 "Then train them. Train them harder." Kylo's voice echoes through the bridge followed by his hammering footsteps. He leaves the bridge and starts towards his quarters for preparation. He opens the door abroad and almost runs into Morai, a close friend.
                  "What's going on?" She mutters.
                   "We are going to start a war on Mandalore." He normally is cautious with his words but he couldn't stop them now.
                   "Wha- why?" She asks.
                   "Because they need to pay for what they've done! Now get out of my way." Kylo looks up. Tears start to form on Morai's face, but Kylo pretends to ignore it. She gets up and leaves.
                     "No. Goodbye, Kylo." She stomps out the door and I realize the promise I broke. I'm not going to turn.

The day had slipped away quite fast. The bright crescent moon had shown its face once again. Bright and charming. The stars beside it were even prettier showing me the galaxy I couldn't ever think of traveling through all of it. I smiled at the sky. An endless abyss with endless possibilities. I could abandon war and live peacefully with Tieyan, Ky, and my friends. I could live free. I knew that I couldn't do that. I couldn't abandon Mandalore. I couldn't abandon my people. My people.
I stood awake not able to fall asleep. I decided to walk outside and lay facing the stars. My mind wandered and my eyes traced the many constellations. The ground was cold and I was bound to shiver underneath it. Eventually my eyes fell, heavy. Asleep I went.
• • •
I awoke to the bitter cold air. I shivered underneath the small gray leather jacket. I stood up in the morning sun's ray. I had fallen asleep. I am lucky to have not gotten frost bite. The force must be on my side.
I chuckle to myself at the weird but I guess true, accusation. I find my way into Clan Wren's familiar hallways. How warm they were. I found myself taking a tour around the whole entire base before knocking on Ky's door, unintentionally.
Funny enough, I get an answer this early in the morning.
"Sumya?" Ky creaks open the door. His hair crowds his face and his facial expression tells me he's exhausted. "You look cold."
                      "Yeah. I slept outside." Ky opened his mouth to speak but I decided not to have him worry. "Have you seen White?" I ask. Another lie. A smile spreads across his face.
                       "I'm not sure, why?" He crosses his arms.
                        "Just curious." I shrug. Lies.
                        "Oh really?" He pushes the topic.
                         "I guess it really doesn't matter." I begin to walk away. "I'm sorry for waking you."
                          "Oh that's fine, but Sumya, wait." He starts to follow me through the hallway.
                          "What?" I ask. It's my turn to cross my arms.
                           "I haven't gotten a chance to give you your birthday present." He says. I smile.
                            "I'm listening." I chuckle. Ky's smile broadens.
                             "We've been through so much together. It's been almost a month, I think, it's hard to keep track." I chuckle again. "I just thought you would want this." He leaves and then returns with new armor, my pistol, his original pistol, and the darksaber. I stand there my mouth agape. He got my weapons back, but what especially caught my eye was the new armor. My mother couldn't have painted the armor this time. Ky did.
The familiar Star bird was now blueish, greenish and it was beautiful. The gold was now silver and I couldn't believe Ky. I hold the objects and place them down. I jump into Ky's arms and he pulls me in shutting the door behind us.
"Thank you." I mumble in his ear.
"Anytime." He whispers back. "Sumya Wren."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now