Mandalore is Lost

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               I force myself to believe I am over reacting. I have to. Tears beckon to come, but I don't believe I have anymore tears to cry.
             I sit coldly on the snow-covered grass. I start to shiver and I can see my own breaths. My thin base layer isn't enough to keep me stable. My armor isn't any better. I have given up crying, and screaming. My throat hurt and aches. Quin stands guard and has to tighten my ropes twice. I have given up. I have lost.
• • •
Two hours had went by and Quin wouldn't let me go.
"Where's Tieyan." I say, my voice shakes. He turns around and looks at me.
"She'll be here soon. In the meantime," he pauses and takes off his jacket. He lays the soft clothing around my shoulders. I flinch when it touched my skin. "It's okay, it's just me."
"Thank you." I mutter, almost inaudibly. The soft jacket is already warming to the touch. It has a soft fur-like inside. I will have to get my hands on something like this once I am allowed free. Free. It's a funny word, free. It almost makes me laugh out loud thinking of it. I've never been free. Never truly free, and I know, I will never be free.
Out of the corner of my eye, I make her out. Tieyan comes out way. I look up and tug on the ropes.
"Tieyan," I pause as Quin comes towards me. "Let me go!" I say, and he does as I ask. I wrap my arms around Tieyan. "Who many dead?" I whisper in her ear. Her muscles tighten.
"Sumya," she pauses and doesn't meet my gaze.
"Tieyan, tell me." I push, aggravation flooding through me.
She mumbles something I can't hear.
"Tieyan!" I yell stepping closer. She steps back. Her left hand clutches her right arm.
"One hundred," she pauses. "Thousand."
                     My knees give out. I fall and pound at the ground, clutching the snow beneath, holding it in my hand as it freezes my hand cold to the bone. Tears come involuntarily. There is one wish that flies by.
                       Why couldn't I have died? 
                                 • • •
                    Soon enough I am in my quarters, crying my heart out, because almost everyone I loved was held close in it. Attachments. I was warned. Don't create  attachments. I see the reason as clear as day, but I think. That's the reason why I need them. I could not live without them.
                    A knock on the door makes me jump. "Go away." I mutter.
                    "Sumya," I hear Alora's voice. "You can't keep me away no matter how hard you tried." The door opens.
                      "Why?" I ask her. "Why do you care about me?" She sighs.
                       "Because you're the only family I have left."
                         My heart melts and I allow her to pull me into an embrace. "I'm glad you're alive." I mumble hoping she hears it. She pulls me tighter. "Who didn't make it?" I ask. She pulls away.
                         "Prepare yourself," she pauses and I realize she's serious. I take in a deep breath and she continues. "Many, many amazing soldiers," she pauses again dragging away a tear that formed. "Sumya... not many of our leaders died... besides..."
                         "Alora, I'm ready." I assure her. She shakes her head, but continues anyway.
                         "Sumya, Ky didn't make it..."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now