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"You traitor!" I scream, struggling out of the grasp of a stormtrooper from the past battalion. Kylo snickers from behind Bariss. She stares straight, possibly coveting my death and the death of who I am about to reference. "Do you know what you did to Ahsoka?!"
She looks away. "I did what I had to do."
                    "And what was that?" I counter.
                    "Eliminating the player that held the most significance to me..." she trails and my vision darkens to a black.
                                • • •
                       My mind trails and I begin to force myself to to think of nothing at all. I want to awake with a clear, not-searched, mind. I can't lose the only thing I have. My secrets.  That's all I have, right now at least. I don't have Ky, or Lillia, or Alora, or Beatriz. I have myself, and that's all I need.
                                • • •
My eyes flutter open and I wake with a start. I am tied to a tree I don't recognize, with the First Order no where to be found. I spot a couple speeders left accidentally in front of me. I tug at the strong metal restraints that keep me bound. My hands are behind my back, with a thin tree in between my hands and back. My ankles are tied with chain and my weapons lay, hopelessly in front of me, but out of my reach.
                        "This is too good to be true." I mumble, but try breaking out anyway.
                          With all the strength I can muster, I pull on the handcuffs. They break with a lot less force than seems possible. I quickly twiddle with the chains and I'm free.
                            I make haste towards my weapons as if they are going to grow legs and walk away from me. I reach for them when a shot of pain aches throughout my body. A ray shield ignites itself.
"That explains it. What else are you going to do to me now?" I call out to know one in particular, but no one appears, but something crosses my mind. How could a ray shield be set up out of nothing but earth? There would have to be wiring and metal as a conductor somewhere, even possibly a complete base.
I look around through the trees and then around the forest, but find nothing that could fuel the shield. I look down, despondent, when something catches my eye, a glimmer of light, that has been reflected.
"Just my luck." I scrape up the soil below me and reveal a large panel. I can't open it from the outside, from what I can see, but it looks as though I could possibly wedge it open. How could the First Order be so small minded?
That's when I realize a small issue. What can I use to wedge it open? My weapons are on the other side of a powerful ray shield. I clear my mind. I hear Ahsoka's voice. "Use the force... Control it. You are in control." It fades and I realize how dumb I've actually been. I extend my arms and slowly lift the panel, as quietly as possible. Once opened, I fly inside. When my feet hit the ground, I soften my landing. No sound was created. I frantically look around and spot cameras in every corner. I break them with the force, as silently as possible.
I didn't realize that I could use the force like I am now. I feel powerful now. Unstoppable. Unstoppable, a powerful word in of itself. I smile at the thought and continue at the job at hand.
I take in my surroundings. There is only one guard, that I can see, on this floor who hasn't noticed me yet. I bend down and move towards the controls.
"The cameras are down. Is everything okay down there." A man with a deep voice says through what I think is a comlink. "Is Sumya Wren contained?"
I extend my arm and reveal myself, but he doesn't have time for a reaction.
"Tell him the cameras are malfunctioning. They've been going off all day," I pause to think. "And Sumya Wren is still contained." He looks as if he's seen a ghost, but his face relaxes and he looks almost bored. Jedi mind tricks tend to do the trick, on simple minded people, but this was not a practiced skill for me. I'm proud of my work.
The man presses the button and does as I ask. "The cameras are just malfunctioning. They've been going off all day, and Sumya Wren is still contained." I tense when I hear no answer.
"Okay. Well stay safe Sargent." The Sargent nods and my body relaxes. I extend my arm again.
"Now, drop all weapons." He does as he's told. Good soldier. Now I step closer and he steps back. I put my arms up in surrender and show him I have no weapons, but he knows better of it. "I won't hurt you. I just need to save my people, and I'll leave yours alone, too. All I need is some help." The officer looks solemn and I realize he isn't a trooper, but a soldier in a green uniform and nice khaki pants. He's young, and easily manipulated.
"Hit me, but I need something in return." He crosses his arms. I cock my head to the side and shrug. "Take me with you."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now