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Finally I wake up. My eyes flutter open and Ky jumps to my side. I sit up.
"Morai!" I yell waking up Beatriz and Alora who had fallen asleep. Ursa, Tieyan and Lillia still lay, resting, on the couches perpendicular to the cot I was laying on. "Where am I?" I ask observing the small white room I was laid in.
"The medical bay." Ky says finally. "What happened to you? Are you okay?" He asks looking me up and down.
"I'm fine. Just tired I guess." I realize the task at hand. "Morai, right. I must find Morai."
"Who the heck is Morai?!" Beatriz asks, somehow already annoyed.
                   "No time. Later." I mutter leaping out and starting to the door. I realize we are on Mandalore and far away from Snoke's ship. "You took me back... All the way back..." I say while leaning my forehead on the doorframe, pounding on the frame with a closed fist. Ky jumps to my side.
                    "Sumya, Sumya, listen..." He says reassuringly. "It's okay."
                     "No it's not!" I say lifting my head and pounding even harder. I grit my teeth. I may have hit a little to hard. I pull my hand back and rub my red fist. This time Alora wakes up. She comes to my side and murmurs something to Beatriz. She turns and starts to shake Lillia. She wakes up and mumbles something I don't care to hear.
                     Alora holds my hand and looks at me with knowing eyes. "It's okay. We will find her, we just need information." I hear Tieyan say behind Alora. "Yes. Wait, who are we looking for?" She asks. Tieyan reveals herself. No one answers. Not yet. I will wait to explain. I just need time... alone.

Sumya is holding back. I know it. I can see it. She doesn't know how to, I believe, tell us. Why doesn't she trust me? Why can't she believe me? Questions boggled my mind and swarmed with possible reasons why. None of which were reasonable, or what I would like to hear.
                      I look down and evert my eyes from Sumya's. Her eyes are dark.... but compelling. She wanted me to understand but somehow I can't. I love her....

                    "Sir..." The soldier chokes. "Sumya Wren, Beatriz Solo,  Alora Fett, and Tieyan Wren.... escaped." His voice trailed.
                    "YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?!" Kylo shouts. The bridge to the Star Destroyer quiets. Silence.
                     "We- we've tracked them to the planet Mandalore." He says. A smile stretched across Kylo's face.  
                     "Put in the coordinates for Mandalore. Prepare troops for war."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now