Broken as the His Promise

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               We watched Sumya get Skywalker and Solo. Too bad we couldn't brainwash them too. Then we saw her leave the ship, without a single follower. This will be easier than expected.
                 I leave my quarters with Ky. "We have spotted Sumya Wren in the vessel." I explain to him. His smile widens.
                 "Revenge is sweet."

               I stand to leave.
               "Sumya, how do you think you are going to make it out of here alive?" Tieyan states, grabbing my arm.
               "I have to save him. He will die, and it will be my fault!" I break her grip and continue out the ship. I am not followed.

I leave the ship, and the people in it. I have to go alone. It is the only way this will work. I move with haste to where I suspect Ky to be, but I have no clue. I follow my gut, when a lieutenant finds me. He wears a gray uniform and clearly has significance. I stand straight and salute.
               "Sumya Wren," He pauses and I fear for my life. I have been found. "Come with me." How did they find me? Did they know I was coming?
               I follow him with no obligation. I have no idea where he is leading me, but I prepare for the worst. I take off my helmet and hold it in between my arm and hip. My weapons were taken, but something inside of me just simply doesn't care. I stare forward, trying to look seemingly unbothered by the staring of the many stormtroopers. I lift my chin and continue following, latching on to the last bit of dignity I still have.
               He makes a stop at a large door. I wait for him to open it and let me in. My knees buckle when I spot who is inside. Ky waits in the room, standing alongside Kylo. I snarl.
"Kylo, what did you do to him?" I scream. Ky smiles.
"You mean, what you did. You made me lose my memory." Ky states. I am shoved forward by the Lieutenant. More tears come. "I've been waiting to get my revenge." Malice dripped from his every word. More tears. The Lieutenant gave me my dark saber. I struggled to take it. I can't kill him! Ky was given a red blade. A lightsaber used by the sith. I have to kill him.
"You're brainwashed Ky! Kylo brainwashed you!" I plea as he comes my way, the saber ignited.
"Liar!" His frustration fuels his every move. He moves faster and swings his sword at me with unconfined anger. I block his attacks to the best of my ability, without hurting him. He makes it harder. "You killed so many of our stormtroopers, our soldiers, and even your own family." He says mockingly. Tears are rapid now, burning off with each of Ky's heartbreaking attacks.
"You're just confused!" I call, blocking another attack. I start to take more offensive attacks so I don't die, and, in the process, skim his arm. The cut isn't fatal, but I'm not sure I can make it out of here with him. He falls to the ground, clutching his arm, and I reach, slowly bending down with my saber held at Ky's throat, and grab his weapon. "They're has to be a way to save you." I say crying more. The dark saber shakes as I point it at him.
"Kill me." His plea is genuine. It was from Ky.
"I can't." My voice breaks and my hands shake as tears flow down my face and set on my lower lip.
  "You have to." He snarls, growling as the 'other side' of him comes back.
I pierce my blade into him and make it fast so he doesn't have to suffer. Tears come from my eyes down to my mouth and off my chin to my chest. I fall to my knees, clutching his cold hands.
"Move on." He states, taking a heavy breath. I look down. I look at him. His tan skin and dark eyes bleed into mine. "I love you." He states taking his taking his last breath.
"I love you, too."

BEYOND THE GALAXY: The Final Battle (BOOK THREE) Star Wars Story (Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now