Hope is a Fantasy

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We had made it into our disguises. I look to my left. Tieyan stands, forcing the last piece of armor onto her hands.
"Eww. This armor is sweaty..." Tieyan groans and shakes, grossed out.
               "That's your worry?" I laugh out, nervous. She rolls her eyes and pushes me forward. I stumble, purposely, but catch myself.
  "Come on, get your helmet on and act like a soldier." I scold Tieyan. She does as I ask, but she goes slow and she does it mockingly. What else did I expect?

We walk in silence out of the ramp of the ship and to commanders that are supposed to know what happened. I clutched my gun- that I had stolen- in anticipation.
   "The cargo-men had dropped off extra rations and guns and left to go put give them to their salesperson. Now you can go on with your business." I had waved my hand over the man's face. I used the force to control him. I didn't feel like the right thing to do, but then I thought of Ky, and my selfish needs that I could not have ignored.
The man left without a word but the slow nod of the head. I looked at Tieyan, impressed with what I had did and then continued forward, knowing I was hidden beneath a mask. I kept my mind concealed and hidden. I fit right in. 'This'll work.' I reassure myself continuously.

With each small glance from a stormtrooper, I become more and more nervous. A shiver runs down my spine and I fasten and copy the pace the other stormtroopers set. I look hollowly at the E-11 blaster in my hand. I hold it with a gentle grip, carefully, believing that one accidental hit of the trigger will send my plan and life to ruins. 'Happy thoughts.'
Tieyan bumps me and we take a swift left down an unknown hallway of the detention level. I don't feel his presence like I normally feel. I stop abruptly.
"Why did you stop?" She asks.
"Ky isn't here." I whisper, the realization settling in.
"What do you mean he's not here?"
"I mean he isn't in this detention level." I explain, nervousness settling in.
  "Then smart girl," she mocks, "Where is he?"
"That's the hard part." Tieyan's anger boils. "I don't know."

     Ky had to leave. I was glad, I couldn't stand his voice, his bright smile or his even existence. He made my skin crawl, but I beamed when I thought of Sumya in tears as she realizes her friend has every intention to kill her. How satisfying.
I leave the debriefing room. Sumya was bound to break in any time if she hasn't already. We aren't going to stop her though. We may be able to capture her or, even better, Ky might kill her himself. Sumya wouldn't be able to strike a blow at all. She's weak.
I find my way to Morai's quarters she had been given and sit down to talk with her. I don't knock, it's a useless act anyway. I walk in and she doesn't flinch when I do. She sits in comfortable clothing on a comfy couch studying an old data chip. It's data illuminates the room in its three-dimensional light. I stare at her silently until finally she meets my gaze. Her normal exhausted face, softens.
"You 'gonna come over here or not." She moves over giving me some space to sit next to her.
           I move and sink into the soft velvet couch stretching my arm out around Morai's shoulders. She continues looking at data from the war on Mandalore, just a week before. 
          "What are you doing?" My voice comes out rougher than I anticipate and I clear my voice to try to cover it up.
          "Writing a report on what happened." She rubs her eyes and cheek, tiredly. Then she yawned. She shut of the device, putting it beside her, and laid her head on my shoulder. "How was your day?" She mumbled out.
          "Good. The usual." I answer simply.   
          "Nothing happened today?" She asked, drawing a small nervousness in my heart, but then it ended.
          "No, the rebels stay away on either Mandalore or somewhere else where. We are safe and sound."


I wish that that were true...

**Hey guys! I am so excited to say that my first book has almost 1K!! Thank you guys so much!!**

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