Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

I hesitated entering the firm. How was I going to face him after that heated conversation we had last night? I sighed and caught a glimpse of Nate as he was entering his office. We had a brief eye contact but he glanced away and continued walking inside.

So he's going to ignore me now? Typical Nate, I thought.

I made my way to my cubicle but was interrupted by Genie's grip on my left arm. I looked at her confused and she smirked at me knowingly.

"What?" I asked and she tugged me inside my own cubicle and made me sat in my chair. I raised an eyebrow at her but she just regarded me with amusement. It made me uncomfortable so I asked her again.

"So what the hell is going on?" I asked with mock exasperation and she scoffed.

"Right! What the hell is going on?" She said looking at me sternly making me fidget under her scrutinizing gaze. Why do I feel like everyone was against me now?

"I'm really at lost here... What's eating you?" I said and placed my bag in the second built-in drawer of my desk. She grabbed my shoulders and lowered her head so we're eye to eye.

"I saw you last night, that's what's eating me!" She said, the first thought that came to my mind was 'Shit! I'm with Nate last night'. I tried to hide my surprise by giving her my best 'so what?' face and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't play dumb with me, girly. I saw you with Mr. Hughes last night with my own eyes!" She said proudly like she just discovered that somehow eating ten bars of chocolate a day would miraculously cure cancer. My heart skipped a beat.

Great! Now everyone would know that Nate and I had a past, which I intended to stay unknown.

"Oh. That, we were just having dinner." I said nonchalantly and turned to boot my computer. I felt her disappointment for not having a juicy gossip so I smiled inwardly.

"Like a date?" She said hopefully. I sighed; she wouldn't give up, would she?

"No, Genie. Like friends having dinner in a nice restaurant... you know, eating pasta, laughing and that stuff." I said and stood. I went outside my cubicle with Genie on my tail.

"Friends? I didn't know you were 'friends' with the boss," she said as she walked beside me towards the pantry. I heaved another sigh.

"As in, like the boss and his secretary type of friendship?" I said sheepishly and she rolled her eyes.

"Tell me! Tell me!" She squealed like a teenage girl and I tried to ignore her. I took mugs from the cabinet and filled it with hot water.

"You're not going to tell me? So, I'll just think you two have this romantic relationship -" she ranted and I interrupted her.

"Think what you want..." I sighed and she gasped. I turned and saw her eyes misty and her lips quivering.

"I'm hurt!" She gibed. "I treated you like a friend and trusted you. Yet you can't even tell me one single truth." she said and turned to leave. I didn't know why, but I stopped her. Maybe I just didn't want to continue building relationships out of lies. She treated me like a real friend so why shouldn't I? I just needed to avoid vital information.

"Fine. I'm talking so stop being a drama queen!" I scoffed and as fast as the wind her hurt expression was gone.

"Go on!" She chirped and I rolled my eyes. Typical Genie!

"We were old friends. We went to the same high school. Now, are you satisfied?" I said as I finished stirring the steaming coffee. Her mouth formed a cute pink 'O' shape and her eyes shone in delight making me laugh.

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