Chapter one: When it begans

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Teacher looked at the class and smiled. "Guys I'm happy to announce that we'll have three transferred students joining us today" she looked at the door and said, "Come in you three."
A girl with black hair with red tips came in, accompanied by two other girls, one with yellow and the other with black hair. They stood in front of the class and the first girl spoke up. "My name is Ruby Rose. This is my younger tween Yang Xiao Long" at that statement blonde rolled her eyes "I'm just 5 minutes younger than you, Rubes. And we aren't actually twins, more like half-twins." "That doesn't matter. And this is our friend Blake Belladonna." Ruby looked at class with her shining silver orbs and smiled brightly. The three of them said in unison. "Nice to meet you!!"
It turned out that there were exactly three empty seats in that class. One was at the end of the room beside Weiss. "Oh! Me! Me! I want to seat at the beck!" said Ruby enthusiastically and with stars in her eyes.
"Calm down, Ruby" said Blake annoyed and walked past her friend to her new desk.
"S...Sorry" the girl said ashamed. She looked at Weiss. 'Cute!' she thought. A small smile appeared on her lips as she said "Uuumm, hi my name is Ruby. What's yours?"
"You better not talk to me, if you don't want everyone to hate and bully you as well." The girl said with saddened tone. She noticed Ruby's innocent and questioning look and continued. "I'm the outcast of this school. The name's Weiss, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Weiss, I hope we'll get along well." She gave her a bright toothy grin.
"Haven't you heard me?! I'm the one that everyone hates!! If you steak around me you'll get bulled as well!!" White haired stated with worry in her words.
"Ooohh, don't worry about that. I'll protect you. That's a promise" her smile didn't faded even for a second and that made Weiss blushed with the light shade of red, she looked at her book. Ruby smiled tenderly and did the same with a single thought in her mind. 'She is totally the one we are looking for! I can feel it!'
Yang stretched her body as she walked out of the class with Blake. "Finally, lunch break!!" She exclaimed happily. "I thought that the class was never going to end!!" She looked around looking for a certain black-red haired girl. "Where is Ruby, Blake?"
"Probably with that white haired girl. I believe that her name is Weiss and she has been hated by everyone." Answered back haired not looking up from her book.
Blake was certainly right, Ruby was really with Weiss, well until she got lost somehow. Now Weiss was walking to the cafeteria on her own when someone stopped her. And that someone was Cardin Winchester and some of his group members. "If it isn't our little outcast suicide girl." He said with playful tone and evil smirk.
"Live me alone Cardin. I don't have time for you." Weiss was annoyed and really wanted him to go away. Only after a sec she realized what she just said.
"Oi, did you just talked beck to me? Do you think that if that new-girl talks to you you're any different?!"
"N...No. I...I didn't." White haired replayed with fear.
"I'll need to punish you then." His eyes glow in anger and smile became larger. Cardin let out a sadistic little laugh and started to slowly approach to his target.
"No! No, no, no, no, no!" Weiss said fear echoing in each her word. "Please, live me alone. I said LIVE. ME. ALONE!!!" The girl threw her arms in front of her in protective manner. A piece of ice flew at Cardin's face and screeched his cheek. He stopped; it took him a sec to fully understand what happened. Now he was boiling in anger. The bully clenched his fist and started to run at Weiss. "You little brat!!!!" he cried and was ready to hit the girl. White haired closed her eyes and waited for the impact which never came. Hesitantly she opened one of her eyes only to see Ruby in front of her. Apparently she caught Winchester's strike.
"Cardin I assume?" Red haired asked calmly. "Your attack was."
"Oh yeah?!" Cardin kicked his opponent with his left foot. It was easily caught again after which Ruby throw him to the ground with following words "Now go, before I start fighting you seriously." Her threatening tone and icy cold eyes made Cardin to shaver. He quickly stood up and ran away accompanied by his gang. Red haired lot out a long sight and closed her eyes. A barrier formed around the school and shattered after a second. Only then the girl opened her eyes.
"W...What was that?" Asked Weiss confused. "And what was with the ice that I made?"
"That's an easy question," Ruby said with a smile, "I used mind arising spell on the school so no one will remember you using magic. As you figured out you're a mage and me, Yang and Blake were send to find you."
"What do---" Weiss' sentence was cut out by Yang who walked to them and said. "There you are Ruby! What are you two doing at lunch time here and not in cafeteria?"
"You won't believe me, sis!!" smiled happily Ruby. "I found the person we were sent here to find!!"
"Really and where is he/she?" asked Blake.
"She's right in front of you!" Red haired put her hands on Weiss' shoulders and stood behind her.
"Her? Well that was expecting. I mean we felt her magic energy from the start." Yang shrugged her shoulders, smiled and started to walk to cafeteria. "Let's go! I'm sure Weiss has lots of questions for us to answer."
Four of them set on the table at the end of the cafeteria. Other students walked away with disgust so no one was around to hear them but Blake put another barrier that was invisible for other people but wasn't letting them to here their conversation just in case. "Spill it out!! Who are you, way do you need me and where do you came from!!?" Weiss was desperate to know the answers to all of her questions.
"We are mages from world of Remnant" explained Blake calmly.
"And we were sent here to find the mage with hidden powers in order to take her to Beacon academia" continued Ruby.
"To what?" asked Weiss confused. "And what's with the 'world of Remnant' thing's all about?"
"Listen here princess," said Yang with obvious sarcasm in her tone, "world of Remnant is another world that's filled with magic and abnormal creatures like vampires, shifters, elves and so on. But thousand years ago portals started to open in there, and those portals lead to your world. Dark creatures use them to come here, and they are potential threat to human kind. Unfortunately for you every single attack from those creatures was considered as accidents."
"And in order to protect you from the monsters from our world there were created academies there. One of them is Beacon. They help young mages to learn how to use their magic abilities. They also learn how to wield a weapon. I have double swords that transform into scythe." Ruby had a bright smile that made Weiss blush.
"Ok. Let me clear things out. So I'm that mage that you are looking and you'll take me to your world in order to learn magic and have a weapon?"
"Correct" answered Blake with a small nod.
"And you think that I'll go with you? I don't even know if you're telling me the truth!!" Exclaimed Weiss and threw her arms into air.
Ruby sight and vanished from her seat. She appeared behind white haired. "Now do you believe me, princess?" she genteelly whispered into the girl's ear. Weiss looked at red haired behind her and yelped in surprise. "H-H-H-HOW?!!" She cried.
The other three laughed at her reaction and Ruby said. "I have teleportation magic, Weiss" she went to take her seat.
"O...Okay, so will you tell me what magic you two have then?" white haired asked.
"I have shadow cloning and confusion magic" said Blake with a small smile playing on her lips.
"Mine is explosion magic. It's really rare thing for a person to have just one magic, often they have two in some cases even three different types" Yang scratched the back of her head with shy smile. "But I guess that it's a family thing since Ruby don't have second type as well."
Weiss was about to say something but then closed her mouth. She went deep into her thoughts. This people were saying some crazy and unbelievable things, but what if they were telling the truth? Then she would be free from her father and shitty life. It was worth the risk, after all if they would kill her than she wouldn't mind that either. She looked at Ruby and her friends with confidence in her eyes. "I'll go with you."
"Really?!!" Exclaimed Ruby happily. Weiss simply nodded.
"What type of magic do you have, Weiss?" asked Blake curious.
"I don't know. I created piece of ice when I was scared of Cardin" the girl shrugged her shoulders. An awkward silence rose between the four. "D...Did I said something wrong?"
"Ice creation" said Yang. "Or ice-make magic. It's the type of magic that no one was able to use in hundred years. They say that people with that kind of magic were killed few hundred years ago."
"It's really rare and one of the strongest types ever used in our world" continued Ruby.
Other three silently nodded. At this  point one thing was obvious that this year was going to be very different and more exciting for Weiss Schnee.

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