Chapter 6: Fight with the past

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Part 2: Yang Xiao Long

Yang opened her eyes only when her fall ended. It wasn't as painful as she imagined. In fact she was standing instead of lying on the ground with at least few broken bones. Looking around she found out that she was in an autumn forest.

"Were the hell, am I?" she said to herself. "Welp, better get out of here and find Rubes with the rest of my team."

Like that she started her walk through the forest. It was pretty nice day. Colorful lives everywhere, and the lite breeze. The place was oddly familiar to Yang, though. 'Could I be in Patch?' she thought. "It sure looks like the forest near our house."

It was then that Yang heard a shout of a person that she never expected to hear again. "RUBY!" the voice cried. It sent chill down her body. "S...Summer?" Yang whispered. After throwing a confused and quick looks to her surroundings, blonde located the potential place were the woman could be. She rushed to that direction. From afar she sow injured Summer, shocked but unharmed 13 years old Ruby, a red haired man with bull horns and a cloaked girl with her kattana in Summer's abdomen. The girl took her sword and send a glance to where Yang was standing. Something moved under her cloak and she turned to walk into the shadows with words "Someone's here." "Coming" the man said throwing Summer on his shoulder and walked after the girl.

From were Yang was standing she saw it as clear as day, how the girl shape shifted into a black cat with burning but yet such cold ember eyes. "It can't be...Blake?" blonde said taking a step back. She couldn't believe her eyes, she didn't want to. "She can't be that girl! Blake isn't from White fang! She's not a killer!"

While Yang was talking to herself, younger Yang ran past her to Ruby. "Shhh. Everything's ok now sis. I'll protect you from now on" she promised while hugging and comforting her crying sister.

Yang let out a frustrated tsk and walked away. She didn't pay attention on a scene that started to play before her. She saw Ruby wounded near death, lying in front of her. "You swore to protect her, didn't you? So where were you when this happened?" asked an unknown voice. "And after this you call yourself her tween?!"

"Shut up!!" roared Yang angrily, her eyes turning red. "Shut your fucking mouth and take this illusion away!!!"

"What made you think that this is one, my little dragon?" the voice spoke again. Even though Yang wasn't able to see the person behind all of that, she was sure that he was smirking. It was then, the smell of fresh blood hit blonde's nose.

"I'll turn this illusion of yours into ashes!!!" she cried. For the first time in her life, fire came from her mouth, instead of her hands. Like she said the whole place was in fire and that's when she woke up. Looking around she noticed Ruby that was silently crying beside her. "Ruby" Yang whispered and hugged her cousin from behind. "It will be ok, sis. I will protect you, no matter what!"

"Tanks Yang" sniffed the red haired. She stood up "Now let's wake up the others from their illusion!"

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