Chapter 3: First day.

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Next day Team RWBY walked up at 7:30 in the morning. Classes were starting at 9:00, so that gave them plenty of time to change, wash themselves and eat breakfast. But there was a small problem. Weiss didn't have the school uniform. "I'll just wear something else, till they gave me uniform" she said casually and walked to the bathroom to change. First class was magic practice with professor Port.
"Listen here, students" he said. "We have new student, which is pretty surprising if you ask me. But anyway, come in young lady."
As he said that Weiss walked in.

 She stood in front of class in awkward silence

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She stood in front of class in awkward silence. "I...Ummm...My name is Weiss Schnee, and if you wondering why I don't wear school uniform it's because I didn't get it yet."
"What magic do you have, Weiss?" Port asked. "You can tell or you can show it."
Weiss looked at Ruby searching for help while others in the class were demanding a demonstration. Red haired nodded. "Don't worry. Just remember what I told you yesterday" she said with a small smile. White haired nodded. She clenched her fist in front of her, closed her eyes and started to concentrate. 'Weiss, you totally got this. Just breathe and imagine what you want to make.'  After that she opened her eyes and palm reviling a snowflake made from ice. Voices of amazement were heard from everywhere. 'I did it!!'  Weiss thought happily. But soon she lost control over her magic power and snowflake exploded, living ice and snow all over the white haired. Everyone burst in laughing and Weiss stood there embarrassed of herself.
"Ice creation or ice make magic. It's really powerful and really beautiful one I must say. But it's also very dangerous" said professor. "It can create but it also can destroy. Be sure to control it Weiss."
"Y...Yes, I'll try" she replayed still pink from embarrassment.
"Now which team are you, young lady?"
"She's with us, Professor Port" answered Ruby, Blake and Yang together and stood up. Port smirked as whispers ran through the class. "Ice make mage is with RBY? As those three weren't the strongest team already" one of students whispered. "Yeah. I mean the only team as strong as they are was team JNPR. Now they don't have any chance on winning" said another one.
Weiss put one of her hand on the back of her head and let out an awkward laugh. "I don't quite have weapon yet" once again an awkward silence rose in the class.
Sins it was just the first day of the year classes weren't so hard, well not including Weiss. Most of the time Ruby and Yang were asleep, Blake disguised her book and was reading. Only Weiss was taking some notes to at least understand what was going on there. At the end of the day Headmaster Ozpin walked to Weiss and her new team. "Miss Shnee. I believe I found perfect weapon for you" he said as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Cool. Where is it?" asked Ruby not even letting white haired to talk.
"You'll need to pick it up from the skeleton nest in the east" he smirked and walked away as suddenly as he appeared.
"Wait...WHAT?!!!" cried Weiss and throw her arms in front of her. "What he mean by 'we'll peak it up in skeleton nest'?!!!"
"We all got our weapons from different dungeons, Weiss. That's how things work here. If you want an enchanted weapon you need to go to a dungeon" said Blake calmly putting away her book.
Weiss closed her face with her hand and said. "Are we in MMORPG, or something?"
"MMO...-what?" asked Yang.
"Just forget it" ice mage said. "Where is that nest anyway?"
"Probably two days of hours ride from here" Ruby smiled innocently. "Let's go peck some supplies and other stuff. We're living tomorrow morning!" Everyone nodded and walked after their leader to their dorm room.
Team RWBY woke up early in the morning and got ready for the day. Of course they didn't wear their uniforms. Ruby was wearing black jeans, white short sleeved T-shirt, wide leather belt to which were secured his double swords and combat boots. He also had her red cloak, till her waist, with hood. Weiss was wearing the same clothes she wore last day. Blake had long, sleeveless, black cloak with collar, over her black top, trousers and short boots. She had black fingerless gloves on her arms which were reaching to her elbows. Her bow was at its usual place and her katana was on her beck. Yang was wearing dark brown pants, light purple cloth which was tied to her waist as belt, yellow, V-neck T-shirt. Over her shirt she had black leather jacket. There were yellow lines on the edges of the sleeve, collar and near zipper. Her sneakers were yellow, rubber parts were light grey. She also had a black glove without fingers on her left hand and a pair of yellow bracelets. The supplies were pecked and all that was left to do was saddle the horses and ride to Skeleton nest, they even had tents. But there was a problem, well two problems. Weiss didn't know how to ride a hours and there were only two horses at the moment.
"No prob. You can ride with me Weiss" suggested Ruby optimistically.
"And I'll go with Yang" smiled Blake.
"Just try not to fall off like last time, kay?" teasingly said blonde looking at black haired.
She blushed from embarrassment and nearly shouted. "It was the first time I was riding hours like that!!!"
"Ok. Ok. Chill out, I was kidding" Yang laughed and raised her hands near her chest in sign of surrender.
Brunet huffed and walk out of the room going to stables. Soon rest of the team was there with all their stuff. There were two saddled horses and no one else. Weiss looked around in hopes to find Blake, but instead a black cat walked to her. "Awwww. She's soooo cute!!" white haired smiled and started to pet cat's head and ears. For a second the cat purred but then jumped beck and started to glow. After a second in cat's place was Blake with red face and without her usual bow. She had cat ears. Brunet closed her mouth with her palm. "Don't pat me!!"
Weiss stood up immediately with shocked expression. "You're a CAT?!!!"
"More like a shifter" explained Ruby with a small smile.
"S...Shifter? Aren't those animals that can turn into humans? My mum used to tell me lots of stories about them."
"You're right princess. Blake is a shifter" said Yang.
"Stop calling me Princess!!!"
"No way!! It's too funny to mess with you" teased blonde.
"Oh you're so gonna pay for that!!"
Weiss started to chaise Yang but Ruby stopped them. "Girls, girls. Stop fighting. We still need to go to Skeleton nest remember?" she said trying to calm her friends down.
"Humph!! Fine, let's go!" like that Weiss walked to one of the horses and waited for Ruby to come as well.

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