Chapter 8: Myrtenaster

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  As the fight with the unexpected opponent ended, team RWBY walked to the giant gates. It had some strange symbols on it. "What does this things mean?" asked Weiss confused. Ruby took a looooonng look at the words. After few moments of silence she backed away and sighed heavily. "I think that this is on an ancient dragon."

  "Let me see" said Yang looking at the letters. "Oh I can read this! 'The one who touch the rapier will be turned into an ice statue'? Well that's strange" she continued to look at the gates. "'Remember! Only ice mages can wiled this weapon'" Yang turned to look at her teammates. They all were looking at her with wide eyes. "What?"

  "How can you reed ancient dragon language?!!" the three of them cried in unison.

  "I...I don't know!" blonde answered taking a few steps back. "I just seem to understand it, that's all."

  Weiss sighed and looked at her blond teammate. "Now we at least know that only I can touch the rapier, so hands off!" Everyone nodded and Yang with her tween pushed the gates open. In front of them lay a big, empty room. In the middle of it there was a pillar of ice with silver rapier in it. "Weren't there supposed to be skeletons here?" asked Weiss confused.

  "Well, yeah. But sins there aren't any, just grab the weapon and let's get out of here" suggested Yang.

  "Hurry. I hear some movement in front of us" said Blake.

  White haired nodded and walked to the ice pillar. As soon as her hand made contact with rapier's handle she disappeared.

  "Weiss!!!" cried her teammates and ran to the rapier. At that moment they noticed that they were surrounded by skeletons. "This was a trap!!" shouted Yang.

  "Protect the rapier!! We don't know what happened to Weiss but I still can feel her magic energy!" ordered Ruby.

  Three of them exchanged nods and took out their weapons. Ruby unsheathed her swords and ran to nearest skeletons with incredible speed. After blocking one of the skeleton's strikes with her left sword she cut his head with the other one. Then she spun around killing four others. When skeletons surrounded her and were ready to attack, Ruby just smirked and teleported up and skeletons hit themselves.

  Blake took her katana and cutted in half monsters that came closer to her. One of the skeletons wanted to attack her from behind but when his weapon cut through brunet's body it despaired. Blake landed on the skeleton from above cutting him in half. She took few steps back and started to concentrate. After lifting up her left hand, she casted a spell. Two of the skeletons started to attack others while Blake was watching with slight smirk on her lips. She used her shadow clone to increase her speed and ran into a crowd of skeletons.

  Meantime Yang's bracelets started to shine and turned into gauntlets with spikes on the knuckles. She smiled "Bring it on skeletons!!" she shouted and ran to face the crowd. After dodging few attacks aimed for her neck she punched her new opponents, breaking their bones. Blonde then jumped back and clicked her fingers. A fireball appeared in her palm and she threw it on her enemies,creating a massive explosion.

  Blake jumped left in order to avoid skeleton's strike, and hit her back with Ruby's. "How are you doing so far, Rubes?" she asked.

  "Pretty good, actually. But I'm afraid I need to use Crescent Rose's scythe mode again to hold on a little longer. What about you?"

  "I'm still good"

  Ruby just smirked. She brought her both blades closer and they started to shine with bright silver glow. After a second blades turned into a fine scythe that she used earlier with the demon of despair. "Guess we're doing Ladybug again, then" she said.

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