Chapter 26: The cat and the bull

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"Adam" whispered Blake to no one in particular.

Both Mia and Neval notices the White fang leader as well. They made brief eye contact and Mia nodded. She send a few of her 'wind blades' shooting right at the Nevermore Adam was riding on. Because of the distance, instead of cutting the beast's head, the wind blades hit its wing. But it did the job. The nevermore let out an ear-piercing screech and started to fall from the sky. It collapsed on the wall making most of the elven archers there to scatter. Most of the white fang members that were on it alongside Adam were crushed or shot by archers but the man himself was able to jump off in time.

"Go Blake" said Neval, stopping in the middle of the broken wall. "We'll catch up with you when the on land grimm are dealt with."

Black haired merely nodded, gratitude shining through her eyes. She started climbing the wall and slowly but surely making her way to the top. When she reached her destination moments later Adam was there to greet her. The same man who taught her how to handle a sword and the one who was an elder brother to her for many years. "Stop this madness Adam!" Blake cried her hand on Gambol Shroud's hilt. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Hello, my dear Blake" the man smirked, mirroring the girl's action and putting a hand on the hilt of his katana. "I see you ran away from your little sell. Did someone betray the noble cause of the white Fang?"

Blake's ears were felt on her head dangerously. "Novel?!! Do you think killing innocent is NOBEL?!! You're out of your mind Adam!" she cried.

"I'm fighting for our people! While you're just a coward!!"

"There's no point in arguing with you" shook her head Blake while taking out her sword. "You're delusional."

With everything said and done the two former comrades lunched forward. They clashed into a fury of parrying attacks and striking back. Even though Blake was able to hold her own for a while her previous wounds were still a bit soar, limiting her movements. The black-haired did a backflip, hoping to create more distance between them. But before she could land on her feet Adam took a fast and precise swing, aiming for her neck. Living a shadow clone in her place a second too late Blake landed into a crouching position, with a cut on her shoulder. Gritting her teeth she stood up, not daring to look away from her opponent. 'He broke through my aura shield with only a few well-placed hits? Either Adam got way stronger or my aura isn't fully recovered yet. I guess both.'

Adam rushed at her again with his sword held in a stabbing position. Acting quick Blake took her sword's sheath and sliced it on the red bladed katana that Adam used. The man's eyes widened at how she disarmed him, but he composed himself a second later, sending a strong kick to Blake's side. The body of the cat shifter disappeared as it was one of her clones. The real one came at him from behind. without glancing back Adam used his own sheath, hitting it right at the girl's stomach. The blow was strong enough to knock the wind out of Blake. She fell to her knees, gasping for air.

"No one's here to save you, Blake" Adam smirked, kicking her at the same place. And he was right. The nearby archers were all struggling with the never-ending assault from the nevermores. Who was going to save her indeed?

With Yang:

She ran, desperately trying to the spot on the wall where she saw Blake fight that red-haired bull shifter. Everything around her was a blur. Yang didn't care about the feathers that the nevermores shoot at her since they burned completely before even reaching her. The only thing on the blond's mind was that her partner was on her knees with a strange-looking red blade raised above her head. "BLAKE!!" Yang cried.

Both shifters looked at her, the man stopped his attack when a fireball flew at him. With a grunt he jumped back, his arm smoking, slightly burned. using the newly gained distance Blake stood up on shaky legs and stumbled to the newly arrived blond. "Yang" she said softly, voice wavering with slight fear.

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