Christmas special!!

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  Weiss opened her eyes and was greeted by Ruby's smiling face. "Something's wrong with my face?" white haired asked confused.
  "It's nearly Christmas!!!" Ruby exclaimed happily.
  "You have never celebrated Christmas, Ice queen?" smirked Yang. Seemed like everyone was ready except from Weiss.
  "No" she answered shortly, sending a glare to blonde. "Why are you up so early? It's Saturday after all."
  "We're going to buy presents and decorations for our dorm room" explained Blake. "By the way Myrtenaster is out for a walk, saying just in case."
  "Oh, ok. Mind if I come along?"
  "We were waiting for you all along. How could you never celebrate Christmas?!" smiled Ruby.
  "Ugx, father never really liked that holiday, so we never celebrated it."
  "Oh, sorry" mumbled Ruby, her face reflecting guilt.
  "It's ok, Ruby."answered Weiss, softly smiling.
Team RWBY was out in a town and was shopping for some decorations first. They already had some Christmas tree lights and decoration, there were only few things left to buy. Shopping didn't last very long. Yang, Blake picked up their bought items and started to walk towards Beacon.
"Where are you 2 going?" asked Weiss confused. "You don't need to buy presents?"
"Neh. I have them all" smiled Yang.
"Me too. We'll go, start decorating the room. Don't worry Rubes, we will let the tree till you come back" smirked Blake slightly.
Ruby grinned widely and took Weiss' hand, making her blush. "Lets go!"
Ruby and Weiss finished buying presents and went to the dorm. The room was decorated nicely.  Green Christmas tree was standing in the corner of the small room, window was outlined by some colorful lights and Yang covered the posters of her favorite bands with a Christmas pictures. Despite being decorated poorly it was reflecting warmth that made Weiss to stop for a second. "Is something wrong?" asked Blake, when she sow Weiss frozen in the doorway.
"N...No, I'm fine. Just you guys are so... so friendly and warm towards me."
"Of course we are!" smiled Yang. "You're a part of our family!"
Weiss looked surprised by blonde's response and she looked at her for a second not knowing what to say. "Y...Yeah" white haired said with tears in her eyes.
The other three smiled warmly towards Weiss and invited her inside to decorate the tree. As the work went on Ruby started to complain. "It's nearly Christmas, most of the students will go to their families to celebrate and it haven't even snowed yet!"
"That's a problem" said Yang hanging a red ball from one of the branch. "It's not fun without snow around."
"Wait! Why don't you guys go home?" asked Weiss, confused looking at he rest of her team.
"My house is too far away," reasoned Blake, "it'll take all the weekend to go and come back so I stay here all the year."
"We usually stay to keep her company" smiled Ruby. "Plus, we're not the only once staying. Team CVFY and JNPR are staying too."
Few days later, when the vacation started
  Weiss was standing in the training room with Myrtenaster. They were practicing ice creation.
"Come on Weiss!" shouted the demon. "I know you can do better! Use the spells from the book I gave you!!"
The training was lasting already half an hour, and Weiss was panting heavily. She had a silver book of spells in her hands. The book had light blue outline, that was pleasant for the eye, a small lock hanging from the side that had a white snowflake on it. On the front, with a silver ink was written the headline of the book "Spells for a Schnee". There were both ice-make and white spells in the book and there were amazingly lots of them.
"I'm trying!!" groaned white haired tiredly, looking on the written sentence once again. "Lets try once more. *cough* Control over snow!" she threw her hand into air. "Blizzard of snow!!!" Something definitely went wrong since nothing really happened. "Was this supposed to be like this?" the girl asked confused.
"No. No it wasn't" sight Myrtenaster. "Let's try again, shall we?"
It was then the door to training room opened widely, reviling happily grinning Ruby. "WEISS!!" she shouted excitedly.
"What happened?"
"It's snowing outside!!!"
"Oh" Weiss let out then looked at her teacher/weapon. "Did I do this?" Myrtenaster nodded. "But it wasn't suppose to snow. The spell was to create a blizzard of snow that would've attacke my enemies!"
"Who cares?!" exclaimed Ruby happily. "Lets go have some fun!"
After having fun outside with her team and friends Weiss went to change, wet and shivering from cold. Soon Blake, being a cat she is, followed her example and after changing set in front of the window. She was looking amused at how Ruby and Yang being the only once left were still bombarding each other with snow balls, smiling happily.

Days passed quickly. It was Christmas morning and the only one who slipping was Weiss, again.
"Wake uuuuupppp~" whined Ruby, shaking Weiss' shoulder slightly.
"Ugx. Go away Ruby, I want to sleep~" groaned white haired and pulled covers over her face.
"But it's Christmas!" Weiss let out a defeated sigh and set up. "Yey!! Let's go open presents!"
It was still snowing outside but their room was comfy and warm. Blake and Yang were sitting near the tree on the ground. "Hey sleepy head, good that you're awake" smirked Yang. "It's about time."
Weiss scoffed at that and set beside her teammates. Like that team RWBY opened their presents chatting happily, reminding a happy family.

A/N Merry Christmas my dear readers. I want you to say thanks to everyone who decided to stay with this story, I really appreciate it. Again, wish merry Christmas and good holidays.

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