Chapter 5: Fight with the past

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Part 1: Ruby Rose

A/N: Ok so I wanted to make this straight. There will be 2 parts of "Fight with the past" and in each of them there will be two of the main character (Ruby in this one). When it's written 'Ruby' it's Ruby which you already read about. And 'Ruby' is Ruby's memories, in this case younger Ruby. Also everything considering 'Ruby' (thoughts etc.) will also be written with italic. I know that it's pretty complicated but believe me, when you read it you'll get everything...well at least I hope so.

Ruby opened her eyes. She was in a house. House that she knew very well. She was at home. 'That's strange' she thought. 'I remember falling into a hole with my team.' Only then Ruby realized that she wasn't controlling her body, it was moving on its own. 'Is something like this even possible?!' she thought confused while her body was walking thru the house. There was something else that was bothering her though. She felt younger and shorter but Ruby wasn't able to realize how much. 'I must get out of here and find Weiss and the others, but how? I can't even control my own body!' as she said that Ruby walked out of the front doors. It was a sunny but cold day; after all it was already fall judging by the trees. Cold wind moved Ruby's hair. She looked at Yang and Tai, who were having a sparring match in the courtyard and then to a beautiful woman sitting under a tree. She had silver eyes just like Ruby, her hair was dark red and she was wearing a white cloak like Ruby. That was Summer Rose. By the look of it Yang was 13 and that meant that Ruby was 13 as well. 'No' thought Ruby. 'It...can't be. Mom?' Ruby walked to Summer and sit beside her.

"Aren't you going to train with them?" the woman asked smiling.

"Neh. I'm waiting for dad and aunt Raven to come back from their mission to train with him. I'm not a hand on hand fighter like Yang and uncle Tai" answered Ruby. She looked at her cousin and smiled like Summer.

Summer smiled again and looked at her niece once more. Colorful leaves of the tree that they were sitting under, fell after a strong blow of autumn wind. 'No, no, no' thought Ruby. 'I remember this day. It's the day that mom was...'

Suddenly Summer stood up, slightly scaring Ruby. She walked in front of her and offered her a hand with a heartwarming smile. "Let's go to forest and hunt on some grimm as your todays. It will be fun" she said.

Ruby's smile turned into a large, goofy grin. She took her mother's hand and stood up. "Hell yeah!!" the girl exclaimed. "This will be an awesome!" Ruby added happily. Summer giggled slightly at her daughter's excitement.

'No! Don't go!! You'll be attacked!! For god's sake, why can't I control this stupid body!!?' Ruby screamed. While Ruby was trying to stop herself from going into the woods with Summer, those two were already there. As they walked deeper into the forest Summer stopped.

"What's wrong mom?" asked Ruby confused.

Her mother didn't answer. "Look out!!" she then said and jumped at Ruby protecting her with her body. Someone fell from the tree and slashed their sword into Summer's left shoulder. Blood splashed on the ground and Ruby's face. Attacker was a figure in black cloak. By the look of it the person was a kid near 13 years or they were really short and tiny. Summer took her katana and prepared for battle.

 Person lunched forward and locked her katana with Summer's (let's agree that the person was a girl)

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Person lunched forward and locked her katana with Summer's (let's agree that the person was a girl). "Ruby RUN!!" shouted Summer. With wounded shoulder she wasn't so strong and the girl in black threw her into a tree. Ruby was standing still, not knowing what to do, face expressing pure horror. 'Move DAMN IT!! You have your weapons so SAVE HER!!' screamed Ruby. 'Don't let them take her!!!!!'

Summer picked herself up hardly. It took her a few moments to steady her stance and grip the handle of her blade tightly. The cloaked girl just stood there looking at Summer with her burning ember eyes. Next thing that Summer sow was another cloaked figure running to Ruby with a red sword in their hands. "RUBY!!" she cried and ran to her daughter living trays of white rose petals behind. Summer stood on the swrod's way but wasn't fast enough to block it so the blade left a deep cut on her upper arm. "Gah!"

"Funny isn't it?" the figure said. He sounded like a middle aged man. "Every superhero has their own weaknesses, and yours is your daughter, my dear Rose's thorn."

'Mom!! Curse you, you stupid body!! Move!!!!"

"Adam Taurus!" Summer barked gritting her teeth. She swung her katana, but the man avoided the attack with ease. His hood fell off reviling dull red hair, bull horns and white mask.

"Oh don't act so surprised, Summer" he let out a small chuckle.

"Ruby, get out of here" Summer ordered but the girl didn't made a single move still frozen.

"You should really watch your back, though" Adam said with a smirk


Girl in black was behind her and thrusted her sword into Summer's abdomen. As the woman coughed blood. As the girl took her katana out she walked into the shadows. "Someone's coming Adam" she said before despairing.

"I'm coming" the man answered. He put Summer on his shoulder and walked after the girl into the shadows living Ruby alone. She stood still, not able to move and splatters of Summer's blood still on her face.

Right then Yang ran to Ruby. "Ruby! W...What happened? Where's aunt Summer?!" she asked shaking red haired. Tears started to slowly roll down Ruby's cheeks as she returned to reality.

"S...She was taken" she said through tears and feel on her knees. "A...And wounded really bad"

"Ssshhh. Everything is ok now, there's no one to hurt you" comforted Yang hugging Ruby.

'This happened again? I...I couldn't save her again' thought Ruby disappointed.

Next day everyone sow in the news that Summer's body was found in the eastern part of Vale with missing eyes.

Ruby was sitting on her knees in the darkness, crying silently. "It is all, your fault Red." she heard someone's whisper. "If you weren't so week, if you helped Summer instead of just standing there she would've been alive now."

'S...Stop! Who are you?!' asked Ruby standing up and looking around.

"Oh dear, you know me very well" said the voice. A figure formed in front of Ruby. Figure that was hunting her every night, when she was little. It had white blooded cloak and missing eyes. "After all, you were the reason I died!"

Red haired took a step back, tears streaming down her face. 'M...Mom?'

"Killer, useless girl, weakling. You'll live your friends like you did with me. You will escort them to their graves!!" the woman cried.

Ruby closed her ears and looked on the ground. 'Stooooopppp!!' she pleaded while the voice kept whispering. "Coward, murderer, useless little girl. You should just die!!"

'My mom would never say things like that to me!!' shouted Ruby taking out her swords and cutting illusion in half. As the woman disappeared Ruby woke up in the middle of nowhere. It took her a minute to realize where she was and that she was still crying. She was lying on the ground and Weiss, Blake and Yang were passed out beside her. It was a large empty room with huge gates in the opposite end of the room.

Yayyy I finally finished this chapter!! :D. It's really hard for me to express the fillings of the characters but I'm doing my best. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, please comment your opinion so I can improve my writing skills.

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