Chapter 2: Remnant and new friends

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The bell rang announcing the end of classes. Weiss, Ruby, Yang and Blake walked out of building talking with each other like best friend. "Sooo, Yang, I wanted to ask you this question for a while," started Weiss, "way is your last name not like Ruby's. I mean you two are twins right?"
"Well that's an easy thing to explain" smiled Ruby. "We actually are cousins but we were born at the same tame and our parents liked to call us twins."
While the girls were talking a brunet man walked to them with a smile. "Hey there kidoes!" he waved at them. "I see you've made a new friend."
"Uncle Qrow/dad!" Exclaimed Yang and Ruby together and gave the man high five.
"Good to see you Mister Branwen" smiled Blake.
The men took a good look at Weiss who was filling a little awkward. "What's your name, kid?"
"My name is Weiss Schnee." She managed to say through force.
"Dad, she's the mage that we were sent to find." announcing Ruby proudly puffing her chest.
"Good. That means we can live at evening" he pated Ruby's hair who puffed his cheeks. "I'm not a kid anymore dad!!" She complained.
Suddenly Weiss stepped between them and looked directly at Qrow. "What do you mean by 'we can live at evening'? I'm not packed yet and I need to explain to my father!! I'm sure that he will be against me living!!"
"We'll take care of that before the sunset" explained Qrow. "We need to get you to Beacon to the beginning of the second year."
"Second? How much time do you spend learning there?"
"Right, we forgot to tell you. We graduate the Beacon after forth year." Blake screeched the back of her head.
"Four years and I'm going now? I'll be a year older than the other first year students at my class!" Complained white haired as she led them to her house.
"Don't worry, Weiss. I'm sure that professor Ozpin will allow you to go to our class and be in our team! With your potential you'll be combat ready in no tame!" Ruby gave her thumbs up and a big smile.
"How can she be so cheerful all the tame?" whispered Qrow under his nose. Blake's bow twitched and she smiled. She obviously heard what the man just said, somehow.
After few minutes of walking everyone was standing in front of a small house. Weiss walked to the door and opened it. "F...Father, I'm home" white haired said frightened. A tall man with white hair and icy cold eyes came down from the second floor. He looked at Weiss and then at the others (Qrow stayed outside by the way). "Weiss who are they?" he asked after he examined them for a second.
"We are her friends, sir" said Blake.
"Friends? What do you need here?"
"I...I'm leaving with them to another world to learn how to control my magic" answered Weiss quietly and looked at the floor.
"You're LIVING?!!" shouted Jacques suddenly. He walked to the girls and grabbed Weiss' arm harshly earning a low 'ow' from the girl. "You're staying here you little brat!!" the man said dragging Weiss after him, well until Ruby grabbed his arm. She squeezed it as hard as she could and that made him let white haired teen go. Red haired stood between them a serious look on her face. "She's NOT staying with you!! She's not your pet or something you own! She deserves a life batter then this!!!" Yang and Blake stood in front of Weiss as well. Ruby looked at Yang and said. "Coming here was a bad idea after all. Go to dad, we'll be there soon."
As soon as she said that, red haired disappeared with Weiss. They appeared at white haired' room. "Pack everything you'll need" said Ruby. "You won't need too many clothes thought, so pick something comfortable."
While she was picking her most comfortable clothes Weiss spoke again. "Hey Ruby." "Yeah?" "Thanks for stepping in back there. If you didn't do that I don't know what would've happened to me. So thanks."
"I...It's nothing. I always help people in need especially my friends" red haired blushed slightly and looked away scratching her cheek with her index finger.
'A friend huh?' thought white haired and smiled to herself.
As soon as Weiss was ready, Ruby teleported them outside the mansion where Qrow, Yang and Blake were waiting. "Took you long enough" he groaned and walked into a violet portal that he crated, soon followed by the teens. They appeared in a tower. From its large window opened a beautiful view of the middle age styled town. It was surrounded by mountains. Sun was already setting and the town was all in colors red, orange and yellow. A large castle like building was standing out from the town. "It's Beacon" smiled Ruby.
"Wow. I...I don't know what to say. But I have a question."
"Shoot, princess" said Yang.
"Well first of all, stop calling me princess!! And why the town is in middle age stile? Do you even have technologies here?"
"No" explained Blake shortly. "Though you can buy things from Earthland. Like Ruby did with her phone and headphones."
"You use horses as a transport or something?!"
"Yup" smirked Ruby.
"Kids come on, we'll miss Ozpin's entering speech" said Qrow annoyed.
Trip to the Beacon was a short one and they came just in time to hear headmaster's speech. It was a grey haired man, wearing black glasses. He started to speak. "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. And when you have finished, you plan on dedicate your life to protection of the people of both this worlds. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step" as he finished he walked away and another teacher started to speak. She had blond hair and emerald green eyes. "First year students should go and find their new rooms. Tomorrow we will announce your teams. As for the other students; you may go rest for now, and not be late for your classes tomorrow. Ruby Rose, gather your team and come to headmaster's office with certain someone. You are dismissed."
With that blond teacher walked away. Weiss looked at her friends. They all smiled and started to approach to the stairs. Headmaster's office was at the last floor of the castle like building. At the end of their trip to Ozpin's office Weiss was panting heavily, sweet running down her forehead. After knocking on the door Ruby opened it. They all sow a middle sized room with big round window. In front of the window was a working table with lots of papers on it. On the chair was sitting Ozpin, with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Congratulations for finishing your mission Miss Rose" he said with small smile.
"Thank you sir" the girl answered seriously.
Grey haired looked at Weiss and asked. "What's your name, young lady?"
"Weiss. Weiss Schnee" she answered confidently, much to her surprise.
Ozpin paused for a second. Then a small, knowing smile appeared on his lips and he continued. "What magic do you use, miss Schnee?"
"I...Ice creation/make" Weiss answered hesitantly and looked away from headmaster.
The men let out a long 'oh'. "Interesting."
"Professor, can she be in my team?" asked Ruby suddenly. "We can help her and she already knows us. She's hard on trusting people."
Ozpin took another sip of his coffee thinking about young girl's request, his smile never fading. "It will be hard for Miss Schnee to start from the second year, but she indeed has potential if she has such powerful magic. And if she has fast learning skills and determination, than she'll be perfectly fine" he told himself. Lifting up his head he looked at Weiss. "Do you want to skip the first year?"
"I...Um...I don't know. I'm kinda afraid that I won't be able to handle it" white haired said. Then she remembered Ruby's words and a spark of confides bloomed within her. She looked at Ozpin with dead serious look. "But I want to skip first year."
Grey haires smile widened at the girl's respond. "Good. Do you have any kind of weapon?"
"No but if I had, I would prefer a rapier sins I know how to use it."
"I'll tell you about the weapon tomorrow. Now please go and rest for the rest of the day."
Four of them bowed respectfully and walked out of his office. Ruby led them to their dorm rooms. It wasn't a big room but it could fit four people. There were two double-decked beds and a working table between them.
"Four beds? Did you know that I was going to live here?" asked Weiss surprised.
"Neh. Teams in Beacon are usually from four people. Ours is different. Well, was different" explained Yang while scratching the beck of her head.
"Fill like at home" suggested Blake.
After half an hour Weiss's stuff was all at its place. Everyone in the room were doing their own thing. Blake was reading a book, Yang was slipping, Ruby was listening to music with earphones that she bought at Earth-land, and Weiss was writing something. But then someone knocked on the door. Ruby walked and opened it reviling four people standing in the doorway. "What's up, Rubes?" asked the blond boy in the doorway.
"Nothing out of ordinary, Jaune. Come in."
As the four walked in, Yang was already awake. "Hey guys!" she said and jumped off of her bed. "Been a while sins the last time we met."
"Yes indeed" smiled red haired girl. "And I see that you finally found forth member for your team."
"Right! Weiss these are our friends Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora together they are team JNPR. Guys this is Weiss." Blake introduced them.
"The pleasure is all mine" smiled Ren.
"Can you break legs?!" asked Nora with happy smile. "What type of magic do you have?!!! What kind of weapon you have?!!"
"Calm down Nora, she doesn't break legs like you" smiled Ruby.
"I have ice creation magic and I don't have a weapon yet" said Wendy calmly.
Their conversation lasted a little longer. Then they realized that it was getting late and Jaune with his team went to their room which was in front of RWBY's room.

Sup guys! Here is the second chapter if this story. One more thing before you live, Ruby is taller than Weiss by 5-8 centimeters. I...Guess that's all. Live your opinion in comments, I would love to hear what you think about the story. See you in the next chap!! ^3^

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