Chapter 10: Dead or alive?

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  Weiss slowly opened her eyes. Rubbing the sleep off her eyes and letting out a long yawn she set up looking around. Only after few a minutes the events of the previous day coughed up to her and she looked to where Ruby was lying, fearing to see her friend dead. Instead she saw red haired sleeping peacefully, her fever down. "W...Wha?" white haired asked confused. She rubbed her eyes again and pinched her arms to make sure that it wasn't just some crazy dream. But no, the pinch hurt and Ruby definitely was breathing. "How?!" That's when Yang and Blake opened the 'door' and looked in. Both had tiered and hopeless expressions on their faces.
  "Blake, Yang! Something happened to Ruby!" informed Weiss, confused looking at the duo then at Ruby, then at the duo again.
  "What? Was she healed magically?" asked Yang, sarcastically closing her eyes.
  A brief moment everyone were silent. Yang was the first to broke it as she shouted with wide opened eyes."HOW?!!"
  "How should I know?" asked Weiss. "I'm as surprised as you are!"
  "Well, you were looking after her, weren't you?" spoke up Blake, walking closer to Ruby and looking at her for a moment. "She really is healed. I don't think there is any venom left in her organism. The cut is still not closed, though."
  "Ugx~" the three of them heard. "What happened?" Ruby asked, looking around.
  "Ruby! How are you?!!" asked the trio together.
  "How am I? I guess fine" answered red haired, trying to set up. "ARGX! The cut still hurts, though."
  They all looked at each other confused not knowing what had happened the previous day. That was when Myrtenaster came. He stood in the front of the tent and looked inside with slight smile. "Good to see you're filling ok Ruby" he said.
"Do YOU know how the hell this happened?" asked Yang.
  "Why, of course I know" smiled the demon. "It was Weiss who did that."
  "You know that that doesn't explain much, right?" said Blake, annoyed a bit.
  "Maybe because you aren't patient enough to let me explain. Weiss, you are an ice make mage, an I right?"
  "Yes. But this doesn't change many things."
  Myrtenaster let out a long, heavy sigh. "Will you all shut up and let me talk?!!"
  "But you asked---"
  "That was a rhetorical question!!" cried the boy, loosing his cool. "Ugx! What am I going to do with you four? Listen, Ice make and white magic types are pretty much hereditary. Schnee family was one of not many to have both. So it's normal for you to have healing magic as well."
  "M...My family? I thought they lived on Earthland."
  "That would be a lie" continued Myrtenaster in more calmer manner. "It's true that your mother and even grand-grand mother lived on Earth but their parents lived here. I used to be your grand-grand-grand mother Emily's weapon."
  "I...I can't believe it!" gasped Weiss, completely forgetting about Ruby and the other two girls. "Why would they keep this kind of thing from me?!"
  "I can't tell much about this matter. I was sealed away by Ozpin after Emily passed away."
  "Ozpin sealed you away?! Why? And how he was even alive?!" asked Blake, reminding Weiss about herself.
  "That you should ask him" smirked Myrtenaster slightly. "And now, m'lady, we should head out. I promise, I'll tell you everything on the way."
  "Fine" answered the Schnee girl with a sight. "Help Yang and Blake with the tent. I'll look after Ruby."
  "Hate to brake it to you Weiss" spoke Ruby "but who's the weird guy and why is he calling you his lady?!!"
  Yang, Blake and Weiss exchanged confused looks at first but then Yang leaned into Ruby's ear and whispered. "Don't worry sis. He's her weapon. Myrtenaster won't steel her from you."
Ruby's face turned bright red. "N...Never mind" she muttered. "Lets get moving."
  As Blake, Yang and Myrtenaster were taking down their tents, Weiss was sitting beside Ruby not far away from the rest. "You sure you're ok?" she asked concerned.
"You seem kinda down. Is something bothering you?"
"No...Yes...I don't know. The things the demon of despair showed me, that Myrtenaster and other crazy stuff that happened just fills my mind. Don't get me wrong, Weiss. Crazy things always happen to us, that's what we signed up for. But this?...I wasn't ready" red haired rested her head on her knees and sight.
  Ruby's condition worried Weiss and she decided to comfort her team's leader. "Now, now. The important thing is that you're alright and we're going home."
  Much to her surprise Ruby hugged her back and buried her face into white haired' shoulder, her soft breaths tickling her skin. "I was sooo worried when you disappeared" the girl sobbed slightly. "I thought I lost you!"
  "Are you so concerned about all your friends?" Weiss asked, her words hurting her own heart.
Reply didn't come immediately. Ruby was quiet for some time. "Yes" she answered finally.
  "Hey love birds!!" cried Yang, earning a flushed glares from Weiss and Ruby. "Come on! The horses are ready!!"
  With a slight hesitation Weiss helped Ruby up and walked to the others. It was decided that Ruby will ride with Yang while Weiss with Blake, Myrtenaster on her hip as a rider. Ride to home took more time then they would've wanted. They were forced to sleep in the tents for 2 nights, since they were moving slower for Ruby. The nights were peaceful and warmer then they thought they would be. During the first one, Weiss decided to interrogate Myrtenaster in his human form 'cause she figured out that only she can hear his voice as rapier.
  "So" Weiss started, "split it out. What do you know about my family?"
  "I swore many years ago to let only someone with the Schnee blood to be my master. Anyone who tried to wiled me were turned into an ice statue. After Emily was killed during one of her dangerous missions something bad happened.Her daughter was thrown into the Earthland in a very young age. As much as I can tell knowledge about Remnant was passed through family in forms of legends. Weiss, didn't your mother used to tell you stories about mysterious creatures and heroes?"
  "She did actually."
  "There is no such thing as magic energy on Earthland. If a mage use spells carelessly, they won't be able to filled their strength. Just a side information for you, M'lady."
  "Will you stop calling her that?!!"
  "Ooohh~ Someone is jealous~?" purred Blake teasingly.
  "W...W...WHAT?!!!!" cried Ruby, turning redder then her cloak. "No, I'm not!"
  "Don't be so shy, sis" continued to tease Yang.
"I'm going to sleep!!" red haired nearly shouted, walking hardly to her tent, ignoring the pain from her wound.
Next day of ride was the same as the previous one and they arrived to the Beacon near 19:00. The girls decided to go straight to Ozpin's office and on the way met up with JNPR.
"Guys, thank god!" exclaimed Jaune. "Professor Port said your new mission would take a day or two but you were gone for a week!!"
"We were so worried!" continued Pyrrha.
"Neh! We'll be fine" smiled Ruby.
" I don't think you'll be fine, Ruby" said Ren, looking how red haired was leaning on Weiss to stand. "Are you ok?"
"She was cut with a deadly poisoned sword of the skeleton king" explained Blake, and Yang continued. "But no worries. Ice queen here cured her from the venom."
While the eight were talking, Myrtenaster started to shine and turned into human. "It's been a while, Oz" he said seriously.
"Feelings are mutual, Myrtenaster" everyone heard a voice from behind. Turning around they saw headmaster standing in front of them. "I see you finished your task Miss Rose. Good job, but you need to rest."
"I see you haven't changed a bit!" snarled Myrtenaster. "Still use them like toys in your pointless war against the evil. I won't let anything happen to my new owner!"
"You are still loyal to your vow, I must say."
"Professor, what's going on?" asked Yang, looking at headmaster and at the demon.
"Nothing for you to worry about"smiled politely Oz. "You four should go to your dorm rooms and have a rest. I highly recommend for Miss Rose to skip classes tomorrow. The nurse will help her in the morning."

A/N Ooooohhh yeah! I finally finished this chapter >U<! Oh how I hate the last week of the semester! There are too many formatives and my brain is dead after that X_X. On the bright side there is only one week left and then Christmas vacations! On this occasion I'm planning on making a Christmas special. What do you think? Please vote and live a comment below.

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