Chapter 18: 100 years ago

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"Yes" nodded Xavier. "Ozpin is indeed god of light."

"But what does he have to do with Emily?" asked Yang confused.

"Let me show you three something" the king said. He closed his eyes and whispered a spell on an unknown language. Soon the room filled with blue smoke end everyone found themselves standing in white nothingness. "Some 100 years ago, before I became a king I made a deal with my father to finish Beacon and only after that was I allowed to heir the throne. Don't know why Beacon out of all the places but that's not the point here" he started. "I was in a team named PENX (phoenix). Peter Rose was my team leader" Ruby's eyes widened but the king continued. "Emily was in my team as well, alongside with Nana, who got married with Peter eventually" Xavier stopped to concentrate. The room turned into Vale. They were standing in a living room of a big house.

"Thank you for coming here today" said Ozpin, standing in the middle of the room.

"It's my house Oz" smirked Emily with a small girl in her arms. Her white like snow hair were gathered into a short ponytail, few bang falling on her icy blue eyes.

Peter, Nana and Xavier were there too. Peter had black hair and shining sliver eyes. He wore dark blue trousers, black hoody with white rose emblem on the back, fingerless gloves, a blue cloak and brown boots. Nana had red long hair and green eyes. She wore a white, short sleeved T-shirt, red checkered scarf, brown leather fingerless gloves, reaching to her elbows and boots. A girl and a boy, either ten or eleven years old, were running in the house, happily chasing one another. One of them had black hair with red tips and silver eyes, while the boy had blond hair and blue eyes. "So, what's that new mission that you wanted us all to go?" asked Emily, handing her daughter to her husband.

"The grimm."

"A search and destroy mission?" clarified Peter. "You are sending us all to that simple task?"

"I'm afraid that's not all of it" shook his head Ozpin. "The grimm is evolving and can become a real threat very soon."

"You're kidding me, right?" asked Xavier surprised. "Grimm is evolving?! How?!"

"I don't know. But as I said they are getting stronger and if we don't stop them it will be the end of Remnant."

"I'll look after the kids for now, hon" said Emily's husband.

"Thanks Jax"

Like that PENX went to change into their battle gear. Little they knew, that it was already too late. Everything went white and Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Myrtenaster and Xavier appeared in that white room. "What happened?!! Why did you stop?!" asked Weiss

"What you see next will not be pleasant" explained the king. "I want you to mentally be ready for anything."

The girls nodded determined. "Ok then, let's continue" Xavier sighed and clicked his fingers. The white nothingness they were in, once again turned into Vale. But this time it was different. The whole town was covered in red and orange flames, grimm attacking everything that moved. "Jax run!!" cried Emily stabbing a beowolf in the head, ice coming out of the wound. It soon turned into ash. "Take the kids!!"

Blond looked at the small five year old girl in his arms and ten year boy standing beside him. He shut his eyes for a second before holding white haired girl tighter. He sent one last glance to his fearless wife before starting to run. "MOMY!!!" cried the girl trying to reach for her mother.

"Don't worry Astra" assured Jax. "Your mother is strong. She'll save all of us."'I hope.'

Emily sent few ice lances to an Ursa in front of her and fell back to the rest of her team. "Any ideas of what to do Peter?!"

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