Chapter 7: Demon of despear

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"Lets wake the others" said Ruby and stood up. "You go to Blake, I'll help Weiss."
Yang nodded and walked to her partner, so did Ruby. She kneeled down beside her white haired friend and started to shake her shoulder gently. "Wake up Weiss!" she said. "It's just an illusion! Don't let it fool you!" when red haired didn't hear any answer, she continued. "Give me your hand! I'll pull you out of there!" That one seemed to work, 'cause Weiss started to slowly open her eyes. She let out a small groan.
"Good that you're awake!" said Ruby and helped Weiss to stand up. Then Yang and Blake walked to them. Blake looked a little bit depressed, as well as Yang.
"We need to find the enchanted weapon as soon as possible so lets go" said Yang suddenly and started to walk to the huge gates that were in front of the four. The others nodded and started to walk after her.
But everything can't be that simple, can it? So when they were pretty close to the gates a dark figure stood on their path (it wasn't there earlier and just appeared out of thin air). It had greenish-gray skin, and when his cloak fell off the girls saw his thin body. He was like dead but still alive person. "Hi, hi, hi" he chuckled and then grinned. "So you girl escaped my illusions?" He asked with an old man's voice. "Not many can do that, you know?"
"Demon of despair" hissed Blake.
"You four have some interesting pasts" continued the demon. "One lost her mother; the second's afraid to loose her sister; third was bullied and bitten up by her friends and father, saw her own sister's death; and last but not least a criminal hiding amongst the people she used to hate and kill, with a help of a single black bow. You four will be a really good dinner for me" he looked at speechless and motionless team of future huntresses and smirked. "People don't come here everyday and you out of all people should know it!"
"You" Ruby said trembling from rage. "You show all if that nonsense!!!"
"Nonsense? I simply showed you part truth, part your fear."
"SHUT UP!!!" Like that Ruby lunched herself at the demon. She took her swords and swing them at her enemy. But he got a small surprise for her. As the blades were about to cut through the demon's chest his cloak fell off internally reviling six pairs of arms. Even though they were as thin as his body they were strong and impossible for Ruby's blades to cut. The demon smirked and after catching her swords with his two hands, threw her to the oppose wall.
"RUBY!" shouted Yang.
" Lets end this Yang! Weiss go to Ruby!" suggested Blake. Other two nodded and splitted up. Blake turned her kattana into a black-purple kusarigama and wrapped her it around the demon's body. "Weiss now!" As the white haired heard her name she rushed to Ruby's direction as fast as she could. "Yang hold him!" ordered black haired again. With a short nod blonde did what she was told to do. Wrapping her arms around the demon in order to stop him from hitting Blake, Yang stood still. The cat shifter, on the other hand, not letting go of the one end of her kusarigama started to run right at the demon. As she was close enough she jumped up and took a small sword (it was a tanto) that was hidden under hr coat. The demon looked at her and let out a a small chuckle. With a swift move he threw away Yang freeing himself from the blond brute's grip. "Yang!" shouted Blake as she saw how her partner flew past her and hit her back to the furthest wall.
"You're distracted!" the demon said and kicked black haired in her abdomen, throwing at Yang. "Is that what you three are capable of?!!" he shouted sarcasm obvious in his voice. "I expected more from the strongest team in Beacon!!"
"You haven't seen the least of us, yet!" he heard a whisper in his ear but when he looked back there was no one there except some red rose petals.
The demon did an instinctive jump back and was saved from being cut in half. There, in front of him stood Ruby with a dark red scythe in her hands. She lunched herself forward without a single word. This time she was more calm and concentrated on her opponent. Red haired swinged her weapon with so much ease that Weiss thought that the giant scythe was as lit as a feather. Her movements were fast and well coordinated but that wasn't quite enough to defeat a creature as strong as a demon of despair. As the two were exchanging some quick hits Yang and Blake managed to pick themselves up. Ruby dodged an attack from the demon by teleporting behind him. With a fast swing of her scythe she was able to cut one of the demon's arms. He let out a loud shout of pane and turn around to attack red haired again. "Ruby move!" Weiss cried as she noticed that the girl was standing still with her back turned to her opponent. White haired's eyes widen as she saw a slight smirk playing on Ruby's lips. As the demon's fist was about to touch Ruby, it was caught by Yang. Her flames burned his arm and he took few steps back
"Oh you little!!!" he cried. He then noticed something strange. Blake was missing as well as Ruby. When he saw them they were in the air. Blake used her shadow clones to get faster and Ruby teleported down. After that, they both gained inhuman speed and started to run towards the demon from the opposite directions. After passing him few times and lending few successful hits, Ruby took Blake's hand and vanished with her with a final shout. "Yang! Burn!"
"With pleasure!" cried blonde smirking. The moment Ruby and Blake appeared in the air again, she was making a massive fire-ball in both her hands and now she was ready to throw it at it's target. When the ball made a contact with the demon it created a massive explosion. The wind made Weiss to close her eyes. After everything calmed down she opened her eyes and took a look at her surroundings. The place where the demon once was standing, now was all covered in black dust. The demon itself was already half cooked.
"Haha! Nailed it!" said Yang happily.
"Great job, sis!" smiled Ruby happily, appearing beside the blonde accompanied by Blake.
"Yes Yang. That fireball was much bigger than during your training the last time I sow it" added black haired with a small smile.
"He, he. Thanks. You two were amazing yourselves."
"Wow" whispered Weiss to herself, watching how the three teammates were chatting happily about the already ended fight. "They are amazing! I'm not even sure if I can be as cool as them!"
"Hey Weiss, what 'ya whispering there?" asked Ruby walking to the white hared. She had one of her usual happy grins.
"Huh? Oh nothing much. You guys are awesome!"

A/N Thank oum I finished this chapter. It turned out more of a fighting chapter then I expected it to be! This is a new area for me (fight scene, I mean) and I think I've done a dam good job! Also big thanks to my friend who helped me with this chap. 

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