Chapter 16: Unexpected mission

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Few days later
Tall white haired man with clouded blue eyes stood in front of three children, hand raised and ready to hit. The eldest girl stood before her two siblings, hugging them close and protectively, taking hit after hit silently.

"Father, stop! Weiss can't take it any longer!" bagged the younger girl.

"I'm fine Winter, don't worry" whispered Weiss smiling.

The man let out a frustrated 'tsk'. "Go to your room!!" he shouted, hitting Weiss one last time, making the girl to fall on the ground.

- - -

Winter was laying on the kitchen floor, gripping the handle of the knife that was in her chest. Weiss looked at the scene before her, horrified. A year ago she helped Whitley to run away and now her little sister killed herself. What kind of elder sibling was she after that? She covered her mouth with a hand and ran to her room, locking the door. "Weiss!! Come out!!" her father's voice cried from the other side of the door. White haired slide down the wall, sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm alone" she whispered to herself. "All alone."

"Come out, NOW!!!"

"No!! I don't want to!!"




"Weiss wake up!"

White haired shot her eyes open. She was all sweating and panting heavily. The room was strangely cold, like in a fridge. Her sharp breathes were coming out in a form of small clouds of smokes. "J...Just a...a dream?" Weiss asked herself catching her breath. She shivered and looked around. "Why is it so cold?! I thought that summer was supposed to be hot!"

"You didn't came down to eat when I called so I walked in to check on you. You was talking in your sleep and freezing your room apparently" explained Ruby, pointing at the thin layer of ice on the nightstand. "A nightmare?"

"Something more like a flashback" sight the white haired and threw the covers away but quickly regretted doing that. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt that was living her abdomen open.

Ruby's eyes widen. "Weiss, where did you get those scars?!! And why hadn't I seen them during the whole year?!!"

Quickly wrapping the blanket around herself Weiss looked away. "I...It's nothing. Just forget about it."

"You want me to 'Just forget'?!" replied Ruby, rising her voice. "Weiss, someone did this to you and walked away with it!! Just tell me the name of that bastard!!"

"It was my FATHER, OK?!!" shouted white haired taking Ruby by surprise. She hugged herself tighter. "After my mother died in an accident he started to drink and became abusive. Every day after coming back form work frustrated, he let out his anger on me and my younger siblings" her body started to shake violently. "I tried to help them escape but Winter and I got caught. After a year she wasn't able to take it anymore and killed herself!"

"Weiss I..."

"Then he continued to beet me up harder, using me for whatever he wanted. I was practically his slave!" choked out the girl. All of these emotions that she held for over 10 years just came out at once. Weiss was no longer to speak, she felt a lump in her throat, tears rolling down her cheeks non stop.

"Shhhh" hurried to hush Weiss' cried Ruby, hugging her tight. "It's ok. You're safe with us. No one will harm you."

"I'm the luckiest person in the world to have a friend like you" mumbled Weiss, nuzzling into Ruby's shoulder.

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