Chapter 17: To Ezel!!

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Once again RW_Y was on a boat, but this time it was to Ezel. "Aaaah, I'm so excited!" squeaked Weiss slightly. "I'll finally meet a real life elf!!"

"Geee, you look excited over some elves" mumbled Ruby frowning.

"Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?" whispered to Ruby Yang, smirking.

"N...No" she looked away blushing slightly.

"Awwww~~. You're too cute!"

Red haired send a flushed glare to her teasing sister, till she heard Weiss's angelic voice. "Hey Ruby, want to have a training match with me?" she asked. "I have too much energy for some reason and need to do something."

"Neh, I'll pass. But my dear sister can teach you more self defense moves, in case Myrtenaster won't be around."

'What did Yang do this time?' sighed Weiss mentally.

"That's actually well thought" said Myrtenaster, not letting Weiss to say a word. "The back part of the ship is less crowded and right now everyone should be still asleep."

"I guess I can't say anything against it, since you two decided already" sight the white haired.

As Weiss and Yang were training Ruby was left deep into her thoughts. Thoughts about a certain white haired angel. Only remembering her made Ruby's face turn red. She sighed heavily. "I'm hopeless" she said. "But she's just perfect."

Three days past quickly. It was nearly sunset when the ship stopped in one of Ezel's many ports and RW_Y walked out of it with their horses. "We're here. What should we do now?" asked Ruby looking around.

"Well we should find a inn to stay in till tomorrow" said Weiss.

"Ice queen has a point there" smirked Yang.

"Oh come on Yang! I'm not even acting like that anymore!" huffed white haired. "That nickname is going to hunt me, isn't it?"

"Yup!" grind the blonde while walking after her sister to the nearest inn.

They booked a room. Unfortunately the only empty one was made for one person, so someone was supposed to slip on the floor, while the other two shared the bed. "I'm taking the floor" said Yang quickly. She looked at Ruby with one of her victorious smirks while red haired blushed slightly

Ruby walked past her blond sister and whispered. "I swear, you'll be the death of me one day." Yang chuckled slightly and walked to their room with red faced Weiss.

Next morning.

Ruby woke up because of a 'snap' voice in the room but decided to ignore it. Opening her eyes, the first and only thing she saw was white. She blinked a few times, taking in the nice sent of ice and snow. That's when the realization hit her like a rock thrown from twelfth floor. Soft and warm thing that she was clenching on was no one else then Weiss Schnee herself. 'She looks so adorable while sleeping' Ruby thought, face hitting up. 'Umm. Should I even move right now? I don't want to wake her up'. Unfortunately Weiss groaned slightly, opening her eyes. "Good morning" said Ruby softly, still hugging Weiss.

"Morning" answered Weiss still slippy, letting out an adorable yawn.

The two set up, only to be greater by smirking Yang with her scroll in her hands. "Morning love birds" she said. "Had a good night's sleep while cuddling?"

Both Ruby and Weiss turned 50 shads of red. Once again realization hit Ruby really hard. She slept the whole night with the person she loves, and on top of that Yang managed to take a photo. She pushed herself back only to fall on the floor, right on her butt. "Ow~~"

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