Chapter 11: Alone in the dorm room

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Ruby POV

Weiss, Blake and Yang put on their uniforms and went to class, saying me their goodbyes. I smiled and waved after them but as soon as they left, my smile faded. I had lots of things in my mind. First thing was about our little adventure. I was angry after that illusion that demon of despair gave me. Weiss was practically shaking, Blake and Yang were really, really depressed. What did the others see? I can only imagine. But the main thing I was thinking was something, no, someone else. Weiss. Only remembering her makes my face hit up. Yang is right; I totally have a crush on her. She's the first person I grew to like so much. Waite! Is she even into girls?!! How would dad, aunt and uncle react to this?!! Ahahaaaa! On the bright side, Yang won't kill her. She already likes her. Oh well at least one positive thing out of this emotional mess.
It was then I realized that a few hours had passed. A knock on the door brought me back to reality. "Come in" I said. The nurse: Lily came in. I always liked her. She's really kind and beautiful for her age, I must say. She had pretty purple hair that was reaching her shoulders in a messy manner and green eyes.
"Wounded again, Ruby?" she asked amused.
"Yeah. I barely stayed alive" I answered, nervously scratching the back of my head.
"Oh my! Are you ok dear?"
"Of course! My teammate Weiss cured me from the venom of the skeleton king."
The woman paused for a second. "She's a white mage?"
"Uhu, as well as an ice-make mage."
"B...Both?!!" the woman gasped shocked. "Like that legendary family, that vanished 100-150 years ago?!"
She sighed. "Let me check your wound now."
It took her a few minutes to completely heal me. Even if the cut was fully healed Lily advised me to skip my classes today. And I have magic and combat class today! You got to be kidding me!! Time passed slowly. I went deep into my thought and hadn't noticed Myrtenaster walked in. "Hey there Ruby" he said, making me open my eyes, that were closed. He was standing in front of me and Weiss' bunk-bad. "Feeling lonely?"
"Possibly" I replied. "Shouldn't you be with Weiss now, in case she needs you in class?"
"No. She has 'Remnant's history' and then came here. Think she'll be fine on her own for a bit."
"I see. It must be hard to start from the second year."
"She has you and the others to help her" smiled the demon.
"You know? I wasn't found of you at the start, but you are a nice guy!" I smiled back.
"I saw it" Myrtenaster said, after a minute of silence. What did he saw? I looked at him with confused look. He seemed to understand that and explained himself. "The illusions that demon of despair showed you."
"WHAT?!! All of them?!"
"Weiss' and yours only."
"Why only ours though?"
"Weiss is a Schnee, I felt it from the start since I have a special magic bond with them. And you? I guess you were the person she wanted to save her the most? I didn't know for certain myself yet" shrugged white haired. "I'm not going to tell you anything about her past. It's something she must do on her own. But please, don't live her side! She trusts you the most and I don't think she can bear loosing someone else."
"I...Of course. I wasn't even planning" I answered as the demon in front of me bowed in a pleading manner.
Myrtenaster sight reviled. "Good. Now I'll go out to clear my mind a bit."
And once again, I was left with my thoughts alone. Argx! It's so boring here! Uuuuuuuu. Oh! I know what to do! I took out my scroll and entered the message sector. Tapping on the contact named 'Uncle Tai' I started to write him a message.
'Hey uncle Tai!'
'Hey there, kiddo. Need something?'
'Yeah actually. Do you still have my last year books from Beacon?"
'Are you falling behind the classes?! 😨'
'No, no. I thought dad told you that we found a mage on Earthland. Her name is Weiss Scnee and she skipped the first year to be in me and Yang's team so it's hard for her.'
'Oh. I understand now. Ok I'll send them with Raven when she comes to Beacon tomorrow.'
'Aunt Rae is coming for a visit?!!'
'Ha, ha. Yup! She has work with Ozpin there.'
'Wait a second'
'Aren't you supposed to be at class right now? 😑'
'Neh. Headmaster let me skip today's lessons 😏. I was wounded during the search of Weiss's new rapier.'
'Are you feeling alright?'
'Yeah, yeah. Everyone asks me that! I'm not dead, am I? 😖'
At that moment the door opened and Weiss walked in. "Hey there Weiss" I said putting away my scroll and looking at her, smiling happily.
"Hey" she groaned.
"Is something wrong?"
"Classes" Weiss answered, before falling face first on her bad.
"I can help I'm the best at our class! What do you want to know?"
"The history of all the races. I need to write an essay for next week."
"I can give you the basics till my uncle sends last year's books" I said thoughtfully. "We can learn together!" Weiss set up with a groan and I teleported beside her with a smile on my lips. "Let's start then! The books will come tomorrow and we would have plenty of time left."
"Ok, just let me get my copybook first" white haired smiled slightly. OMG! She's so pretty! I think I'm blushing right now! Calm down Rubes, breath in and out. In and out! "Now let's start."

A/N Sup everyone! Have you guys noticed that I'm making fewer mistakes in chapters (maybe, I don't know)? Well that's thanks to a really close friend of mine. I just wanted to thank her. Anyways, please live a comment below and a vote as well. See 'ya ^U^

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