Chapter 29: After the battle

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Blake set in the corner of the room filled with wounded. Her side was healed but the flesh was still too tender for her to move around carelessly. A little while ago Neval came to tend his own injuries. She had to assure everyone that he wasn't about to stab them in the back after getting treated. Took a while and a bit more effort but they got through to them.

As she looked out of the window with an unreadable expression, Yang dropped down beside her, letting out an exhausted sigh. "Found out something interesting?"

"Nope," said the blond. "It seems like after that burst of Weiss's magic some of the grimm fell back deep into the forest that they came from. But some seem to gather around where the blast was."

"What about the others?"

"Ruby and Weiss are out fighting somewhere. JNPR aside from Pyrrha is resting, still hasn't woke up"

"Guess we survived this one huh" Blake said closing her eyes and leaning her head to the wall. "Who is even behind this?"

"You don't know? Ah, right you weren't there with us when the King told everything" said Yang with a week smile. "The goddess of grimm wants to destroy Remnant. But apparently she can't get out of her world unless there is a really big amount of negative emotions here."

"Wait. WHAT?!"

Yang chuckled humorlessly. "That's only the gits of it, but yeah. We're up against a god."

Whatever reply Blake was preparing died in her throat when the front doors opened, reviling Myrtenaster who was carrying an unconscious Weiss. Herbert later the two were by the demon's side, bombarding him with questions.

"She's fine. And please, one question at a time!" said Myrtenaster tiredly. "Weiss just pushed both her magic and body to its limit. It should take a few days to rest and he'll be fine. Aside from that everything is ok."

"And Ruby?" asked an anxious Yang. Something was definitely bothering her and Myrtenaster's lack of response just made it more obvious. "Answer me! Do you know where is my sister!"

"She...I'm sorry Yang...It seems that no matter what we did, Salem....." and he left the sentence unfinished.

At that moment the world froze for Yang. Her mind just shut down, refusing to come to the simplest conclusion that was most probably going to shatter her heart into millions of pieces. "No" she muttered. "It can't be."

"I'm sorry, Yang" Myrtenaster said again, laying Weiss down on the nearest empty spot in the room.

He was only mentally prepared for the blow when the blond slammed him into the wall, holding him by the collar. "AND YOU LET HER FIGHT IT ALONE?!!!" she growled, eyes blazing red. "HOW COULD YOU!!"

"I had no choice."


"My first concern has been and always will be my master."

Before the blond could do something that she will regret later Blake interfered. "Yang, please calm down. You're not thinking straight" she said softly, putting a hand on Yang's scale-covered arm.

Her touch affected Yang more than anyone could have imagined. Her eyes instantly returned to their normal lilac color and her tense muscles relaxed slightly. With a small huff of smoke, Yang let go of Myrtenaster and walked out of the tower. Blake shot an apologetic look over her shoulder to Myrtenaster and walked after Yang

"Yang," said Blake as she finally caught up with the blond. "Talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine."

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