Chapter 9: Out of the dungeon

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"Wait what?!" cried Yang surprised. "You're a human, not a weapon!"
"His actually a demon" interrupted Weiss. "An ice demon, trapped inside my new rapier."
"A demon?! We can't trust a demon! They are too dangerous!" Bake objected taking her kattana out.
"Gee, I'm not going to hurt anyone unless they try to attack me or my mayster, so just chill out" said Myrtenaster. "And besides, without my help you'll never get out here alive, not to mention save Red."
Yang looked at the demon for a second before sighing in defeat. "Fine. I don't want Ruby to die, but if even a single hair falls from her head you're dead! Got it?!"
"Of course" smiled the boy and picked up Ruby. "Now come on, I know a shortcut to the surface" with that he started to walk straight to the wall.
"Is idiot?" whispered Blake into Weiss's ear.
"Who knows. He's weird" sighed white haired and followed her new weapon.
Behind the wall, actually, were stairs to up. It took them exactly 15 minutes of literal climbing of extremely high stairs to get to the surface. It was already sunset. Weiss was out of breath, alongside with Blake and Yang. I can't tell the same thing for Myrtenaster though. "Aren't you two...used to walking to Professor...Ozpin's office?" asked Weiss panting heavily. "Why are you tired?"
"Maybe because we were fighting against tones of skeletons while you was talking to that demon!?" suggested Yang angrily.
"Stop it Yang" warned Blake calmly. "Don't pour your anger on Weiss."
"S...Sorry. I'm just warred about Ruby."
"Well you should be Yang" said Myrtenaster walking to them without Ruby in his arms. "She's in her tent. I'm not a person to perform a first aid, but I did my best."
Yang stormed passed him and went straight to Ruby's tent, completely forgetting about her our injuries.Weiss and Blake followed her close by. Blonde moved the 'door' of the small tent and walked it. There she sow Ruby lying on the ground. She was pale, really pale, maybe more than Weiss, sweat was rolling down her forehead and she was breathing hardly. It was too uncomfortable in the tent for one person to be with four so Weiss and Blake decided to leave Yang alone with her sister. "Rubes" she whispered taking red haired' hand into hers. "It'll be ok, you hear me?"
"Y...Yang?" asked Ruby weekly, slightly opening her eyes.
"I'm here with you sis!"
"I...It burns. My wound...burns"
Yang's eyes widen. She looked at the bandages on Ruby's wound. They were starting to turn green. 'The poison is spreading faster than we thought?!' blonde thought surprised. 'What should I do?!' That's when Blake opened the door of the tent.
"Yang, go get your wounds patched up. Weiss will help you" she said, worry easily read in her eyes. "I'll look after Ruby till you come back."
"No, I'm good" answered Yang still looking at her sister.
"I said I'm good!!" shouted the girl but then realized what she had just done. "I...I don't want the demon's illusion to come true. I swore to protect Ruby, but I couldn't!!"
"It's ok" whispered Blake into her friend's ear hugging her from behind. "We'll find a way out of this mess. Besides, Ruby would't want you to kill yourself because of this."
Yang sighed heavily. "Maybe you're right, Blake. Take a good care of her till I come back, 'K?"
"Of course" smiled Blake, letting go of Yang ant sitting in her place. "Oh and one more thing, please don't blame yourself or Weiss for what happened to our leader."
"Can't promise anything" smirked Yang slightly walking out. Blake simply sighed and smiled. She wet a cloth and wiped Ruby's face carefully.
Meanwhile with Weiss and Yang.
"Hey, were's that Myrtenaster guy?" Yang asked walking to Weiss.
"He's watching around for any enemies" answered white haired. "Or at least that's what he told me. How is she?"
"Not good" answered Yang, face becoming dark. "The poison is spreading faster then we thought. I don't think she'll survive till the morning." Weiss stiffened. "R...Really? Can't something?"
Yang shook her head grimly and sit down beside Weiss, warmth of the fire warming her up a bit."Blake convinced me to come and patch my wounds."
"She's right" spoke white haired trying to shake all the bad thoughts away. "Here, let me help. At least I'll be helpful once."
After a while Myrtenaster came to them. Weiss was nearly finished with Yang's injuries by the time he arrived. "Is Blake taking the first watch on Red?" he asked.
"Yup" answered Weiss earning a sharp glare from Yang. "What? You need to rest your nerves Yang. We all are warred about Ruby but we can't move with her condition as bad as you tell."
Blonde didn't say anything, just scoffed and look at the fire. "Fine then, I'll take the second watch." Weiss forced a small smile and continued to work on Yang's wound. 'Can we do something?' she kept thinking.
Anyways, after it was deep night already Weiss went into her tent to sleep while Yang and Myrtenaster stayed up to guard their camp. Blake was still looking after Ruby. When it was 2 at night she changed places with Yang and the blonde was the one looking after her sister.
"Why did you protected me like that Rubes?" she whispered, stroking Ruby's hair off of her face gently, remembering the hit of the skeleton king that red haired took on herself in order to save Yang's life. "Why? I was the one to protect you, but you always acted like my protector. Always got hurt because of me!"
Ruby's condition wasn't helping her to relax as well. Red haired was panting heavily and sweating, the bandages were green despite being changed few hours ago and she had a fever. Ruby was practically burning.
"Yang" she heard someone's voice from behind her. Turning around Yang saw Weiss standing in front of the door. "Your shift is over. Go rest, ok?"
"Tell Blake to get some sleep as well. Myrtenaster will be out to watch our backs" added white haired. Yang nodded and walked past her to Blake. Weiss set down beside Ruby with worried expression. "You'll be ok right?" she asked. "You always know how to make me feel batter. Honestly, I pushed away anyone who tried to come closer since the day my mother died, which didn't happen often, and you? You just... force yourself into my life!" white hared smiled sadly, a small line of tear living her eyes. "I refused to let you die on me like this, you dolt! You're my first friend!"
Hours passed by quickly.Soon enough, sleep caught up to Weiss as her body wanted more than a few hours of rest that she got earlier. Doesn't matter how hard she tried to stay awake, her eyes kept closing and soon she was peacefully sleeping beside the person that made her life batter, wishing to see her well at the morning.

A/N Soooo, did you liked the chapter? What do you think will happen to Ruby? Please live your opinion down in the comments and don't forget to push the vote button. Se 'ya in the next chapter! ^U^

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