Chapter 24: Beginning of the end (part 1)

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A/N I'm not creative so the names for the next few chapters will be "Beginning of the end (part ***)". If you have suggestions for the name feel free to tell me in the comment section and I'll change the one I wrote. Now on with the story. 😁 But first a little reminder. Ruby was ready to charge at Yang again as she mumbled to herself "That's one heck of clever grimm."

Now really on to the story.

Yang wiped the cold sweat that was running down her forehead. Ruby was much faster when she fought seriously. 'Usually, she hold back against me during our matches I see' thought the blonde dodging another three combo attack from Ruby. "Ruby you need to stop this!" she cried. "It's me! Yang!! What's gotten into you!!"

Without hesitation, the red-haired closed the distance between them in a blink of an eye. After successfully rolling left Yang noticed something disturbing. Well at least as disturbing as the fact that her own cousin was trying to kill her. An ursa was right behind Ruby, raising its claws without the girl noticing it. Yang jumped at the creature. Her hands were lightened on fire. Much to her surprise, the enormous creature did a backflip 'Can they even do that!!?' she thought really surprised. It's not every day that you see an ursa gracefully doing a backflip.

Ruby POV

I once again attacked the beowolf, determined to finally kill it but once again it dodged my attack. HOW on Remnant is that ordinary beowolf so strong!? It's not even an alpha! Something is definitely wrong here. I just can't figure out what. And that is when the weird things started to happen again. The same grimm that I was trying to kill at least for about five minutes jumped at an ursa right behind me. 'Wow. It saved me?' I thought surprised. 'Why would a grimm protract me? What is going on here!!? And did that ursa just do a backflip? Ok, now I'm hallucinating.'

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked the beowolf. I can't believe that I'm actually talking to a grimm right now. Well, on the bright side it seems to understand me! Not giving us much of a time to 'chat' the ursa charged again. It was amazingly light on its feet, almost like it didn't weigh at least a tone. Again the beowolf jumped at the ursa to stop its charge. I was standing there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do anymore. It was just us three. The rest of the grimm army had retreated, I think. But what happened to the elves I have no idea.

For a second I even thought that the beowolfe's hands were covered in fire. 'Wait. Fire? Oh gosh, FIRE!! Where is Yang?! A...And Weiss!! They're not here. But where they can be? It's only me and the two grimm.'

And that's when the realization hit me. I quickly ran to the beowolf and blocked the swing of its claw alongside with the ursa's. "Stop!" I commanded. The beowolf listened to me while the other grimm jump back. "Yang, is that you?" I asked slowly looking at the wolf before me.

"Y...Yeah" she replied hesitantly. The black fog around her cleared reviling my dearest cousin, that I consider my own sister. She looked tired. Few scratches were visible here and there on her body, she was breathing heavily and a bit sweaty. "You...see me? As if...the reel me instead of a grimm??"

"Yes" I replied. A presence behind me made me turn and look at the movement. It was the ursa. It charged at us again. When Yang wanted to attack back I stopped her. "Wait! That's Weiss!"

"How do you know?" the blonde asked confused.

"Because we were all obviously under an illusion. I saw you two as a grimm. I bet she does the same. Try to hold her down for a sec, I'll try to bring her back."

Yang nodded and they charged at Weiss/ursa.

Weiss POV.

Ok, now things have officially gone out of hand. Why is Yang talking to that griffin? And what exactly talking about?? 'Myrtenaster? You here?'

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