Chapter 19: A monster that I no longer am

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"After that we found little Salvia (Peter's and Nana's daughter) and I took care for her in the castle, till she was old enough to go to Beacon like her parents" said Xavier, making his memories disappear.

"Your highness, why are you showing us all of this?" asked Yang, still shocked but curious.

"You three deserve to know, if you're going against Salem. Knowledge is power and I don't want you to die."

"In your memories" said Ruby suddenly. "You said that you knew Salem's weakness. What is it?"
"Your eyes."

"Her eyes? What about them?" asked Weiss sending a confused glance to Xavier.

"As you know all our magical abilities come from four main elements, that are fire, water, earth and air. I'm not going to retell you your magic history class, I'm sure you remember it all well. Now, Ruby tell me how many different types of magic can you use?"

"One, your highness."

"That's not quite true" smiled the king. "Beside the four main elements there is one more, a pure source. It's light. I don't know much myself as well, since there aren't much information about that. But it is said that long-long ago, in times when gods lived on Remnant, there was one and only race that was different from gods. They were created by god named Ira, and were her masterpieces. All those people had one thing in common."

"Let me guess" crossed her arms Yang. "Silver eyes?"

"Yes. As far as I can tell during the great war between the gods they were fighting against the dark forces. A single glance from a silver eyed warrior that can control his/her power is enough to turn grimm into ash" Xavier stopped to let the girls, especially Ruby, to process the new information. "After the war was won and contract of peace was signed, Silvi took most of her followers with her, but some that wanted to stay she left. As a thank you, the other gods left their own creations. That's how races were created. Time passed, silver eyed people became legends and because of Salem's army they begun to disappear from our world." A knock on the door made him stop. "Come in."

The door opened and a young looking girl walked in. From under her hood Ruby, Yang and Weiss see her blond hair and brown eyes. She bowed before standing straight and eyeing RW_Y suspiciously. Then her gaze shifted back to the king and she spoke. "You called me, your highness?"

"Ah. Yes, yes. Thank you for coming Elora" Xavier said and looked at Ruby. "We'll discuss this later, Ruby" in respond the girl nodded. "Now then, let's get to the business. Elora."


"Those are students from Beacon; Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long. Starting from today they will be sharing your duty of protecting Frea. Girls this is Elora Selorn, my daughter's personal bodyguard."

"Are you sure that they are not threat?" asked Elora.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have trusted them with that important mission." The girl was about to say something but was stopped by Xavier. "And before you say anything, I know that Frea won't be happy about this but I hope you can become friends."

"As you wish your highness" frowned Elora but bowed nevertheless. "Come on you three."

Meanwhile with Blake: Blake POV

It's been few days; I don't know how many for sure since the room we were in didn't had any windows. We were fed enough in order to stay alive. Each time that illusionist girl, I think her name is Emerald, was bringing the food. I'm not complaining. During the time I spent in the White fang I got used to living on the minimum. But it's obvious that Mia was struggling. I sighed and gave her my plate. "Here you can have mine" I smiled.

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