Chapter 25: Beginning of the end (part 2)

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A/N Gosh I feel awful for not updating. More will be said in the end. Since I doubt no one remembers what happened in the previous chapter here's a small description.
Basically a grimm army attacked Ezel (elfen kingdom), everyone split up into groups. After RW_Y deflected the wave of grimm, Emerald and Mercury came. RW_Y won (obviously) and then came 'a mysterious figure' that sent fireball at Weiss and Yang. Ruby took the impact and that's all.
Now on with the chapter.

Raven blocked a claw of another beowulf, while ducking under a charge of boarbatusk. The grimm were surrounding her quickly and it was starting to be a taaaad bit overwhelming. The black-haired let out a 'tsk'. "Qrow!! What's the situation on your side??!" she shouted.

"Bad! Really, really BAD!!" replied the man. "There's no end of them! The numbers just keep growing!!"

Another frustrated huff left Raven's lips. A general of the army analyzing the situation ordered everyone to retreat. The soldiers happily followed the given orders. Before the remaining members of team STRQ plus Elora and Frea followed them, Raven stopped them to give her own orders. "You four, go to team JNPR's side. Make sure they are alive and well. I'll go to Ruby and Yang."

"Don't die on me Rae" pleaded Taiyang, knowing that arguing with her in this situation will be pointless. "I don't want to lose you too."

"Can't promise anything, but I'll try." With that, the woman opened one of her red portals and disappeared.

"Let's go" commanded Qrow.

The small group ran to the dereliction, where the four students of Beacon were. The sight shocked them all. Every single soldier was lying unconscious, badly injured, or even dead. Ren was leaning to the wall, near which they were fighting. His chain mail was melted and the wall behind him was in several cracks. Apparently he was thrown into the said wall. Nora was beside him, also bit up really badly and unconscious. Jaune wasn't too far away from the rest of his team members. He was the only one that was more or less in good condition. But the worst part was that Pyrrha was gone.

Without further hesitation, the group ran to the students. Grow picked up Jaune, Tai: Ren, and Elora picked up Nora piggy stile. Before any of them had a chance to move, a swirling red and black portal appeared. Two figures ran out of it, one of which was Weiss and the other was Yang. The blond held the unconscious Ruby in her hands protectively. When the two stepped the portal closed behind them immediately.

"Yang! Where's Raven?!" exclaimed Tai after getting out of his shock.

The said blonde looked equally confused and shocked by the question. "I...don't know. She was right behind us!"

A bright glow came from Myrtenaster and he turned human. "She stayed back to hold off the woman" he explained.

"She did WHAT?!!" both Taiyang and Qrow yelled.

Once again Weiss was the voice of reason in the panicked and reckless group. "We need to move to the inner wall, like NOW!" she said raising her own voice. "Ruby's hurt and I see that JNPR isn't in a better condition. I can't treat them fully here, so QUIT STANDING AROUND!!!"

"Weiss is right" nodded Elora more calmly. "We need to move. Besides, I'm sure that Raven will be alright. From what I've seen, she's quite skilled."

"You both are right. Let's go" sighed Tai and hurried with everyone else to the castle.

-*Time skip-*

Team JN_R and Ruby were put in a separate small room for four (six max), in the castle, just like every other injured soldier. Weiss was tending their wounds as well as she could. After a while of getting their own injuries healed Qrow and Tai got the wall, where soldiers were getting ready for the next wave of attacks, living Yang to wait for Ruby's awakening anxiously.

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