Chapter 14: The events of the second year

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A/N So as the title says this chapter will be about the small events of  the second year, since I didn't want to make that big time skip. Hope you'll enjoy reading it.
September 12, next day after Blake's confession
"Miss Schnee" said Goodwitch looking at Weiss. "You'll spar with Miss Nikos today. Are you ready?"
"I...Uhh...Can't find my weapon" white haired said nervously.
"She can't find her weapon?" whispered someone in the class.
"How irresponsible" said someone else.
"Now I see why Professor Ozpin put her with RBY." Weiss was really ashamed, even if that wasn't really her fault. She kept her head low, face pink from embarrassed, while the rest of her team and team JNPR were sending daggers to those badmouthing her. If the look could kill, Ruby would've murdered more than 8 people by now. Anyways, the window to the classroom cracked open and a boy with silver white hair jumped in.
"Sorry I'm late" he said to Weiss.
"Idiot!" white haired huffed, grabbing the boy's forearm. "Well, at least you came" silver light surrounded the boy (who was actually a lot older) and he turned into a sliver rapier. "I thought it was part of our deal for you not to walk around the campus alone!"
"I said I'm sorry, jeez!"
"Well, since Miss Schnee got her weapon, let's start the match" said Glinda, under the shocked looks of the students.
September 12, night time.
Ruby and Weiss walked towards their room after having dinner in the cafeteria. Blake and Yang had left earlier, so the two were currently alone in the dorm room. "Yang, I...I just want to make sure that you don't hate me after figuring out about what I did. You was distant today and the thought of us being enemies hurts me" they heard Blake's voice from inside. Weiss grabbed Ruby's hand to stop the red haired from opening the door.
"Hate you? No, that's not the case. I don't hate you. If Ruby is ok with that, than I am too. I simply lost most of my trust in you."
"I can assure you, I'm nothing like the person I was in the White fang. Violence is never the key. Respect earned by fear is nothing."
Yang sighed heavily and throw the slightly opened door Weiss could see the blonde smile a little. "It will take some time for us to be like the old days. Until then let's stay positive."
"Thank you" said Blake, sanding a small smile towards Yang. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 5, Sunday.
"Ice blizard!" said Weiss, lifting her hand. Soon the arena was covered with a snow storm. "Ha! I did it! Finally!!"
"Great job, Weiss" said Myrtenaster. "These kinds of spells require some words, but with enough practice you'll do it without it. For now lets move to more defensive magic, like creating barrier of ice, after that we should really work on your healing magic."
"Ok. I 'm ready!"
"Not today you two!" they heard a female voice. Turning around Weiss saw Glynda standing in the entrance to the arena.
"Miss Goodwitch? What are you doing here?" she asked confused.
"Headmaster wants to meet with you and your team. I couldn't find Miss Rose so I thought you might know where they are."
"Of course. I'll go see where are they".
"Why Oz needs to see them?" interrupted Myrtenaster, eyes narrowed dangerously.
"It has something to do with having armor and personal horses" the woman said and walked away.
"Here are the horses. I would recommend you to let the horse pick you, if you don't want to be thrown off during a nice peaceful ride" the men in charge said. RWBY nodded and walked in stables. There were lots of different horses. All of them were uninterested towards the newcomers. But there were few that were happy to see some new faces. Noticing their reaction the girls walked to them. Four horses that reacted were standing side by side, each having something unique. First one was reddish-orange. Second one was yellow with black dots all over its body. Third was pitch black with burning yellow eyes. And last but certainly not least, a snow white horse with blue eyes just like someone Weiss knew. Unconsciously she lifted her hand up and much to her surprise the horse put it's chin in her palm. "Winter" Weiss mumbled, while patting the horse gently. For a second she thought she saw her little sister standing right beside the white horse.
"Weiss?" asked Ruby, noticing that the white haired spaced out a bit. "You ok there?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah! I'm...I'm fine" sniffled the girl slightly, wiping away a line of tear that left her eye from that painful memory.
"I see you all found yourselves new companions. They are all girls, just so you know it" the four heard the man say. "Have you decided a name yet?"
"Yup!" smiled Ruby hugging the neck of her horse. "It's Autumn."
"..." Weiss was quiet, deep in her thoughts but was shaken out by Blake, who touched her shoulder. "Ummm. I was thinking about Winter" she said some sort of sadly. "She has eyes, just like my little sister had."
"Wait. Had?" asked Yang confused. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 25, evening.
The girls from team RWBY were in their room, each doing something. Ruby was listening to music and drawing some sketches, Weiss studying again, Blake reading another one of her books and Yang was texting someone, perhaps Taiyang.
"Dad just said that he finished Blake's armor and send it to her parents so she won't be forced to come with us to Patch" she said looking up from her scroll.
"That's actually pretty nice" Blake said putting away her book. "I don't want to make that kind of trip again. It took me five days to reach Menagerie and I really hate water."
"I would like to have my armor sent to home in Earthland too" said Weiss. "The semester is nearly over and I don't think even your father can finish four sets of armor till I go back home."
"Are you sure you want to go back?" asked Ruby worried. "I don't know what's goin' on between you and your father, since you always avoided answering our questions, but he was pretty angry when you left."
Weiss kept quiet, looking down and trembling a bit. "Angry?" she asked finally. "He would KILL me for leaving. But I don't have anywhere else to go. My sister is dead, brother no were to be seen. And I doubt, that I can stay at school too."
"You can stay with us!" said Ruby cheerfully. "You don't need to go back to him."
"Yeah! Dad and mom won't mind and uncle Qrow is always out on a missions anyway" smiled Yang.
"You ok with that?"
"I stayed with them a month last year" said Blake. "Taiyang and Raven are wonderful people. You'll like staying there."
"Well, I guess" mumbled white haired, looking away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
May 30, morning
"I know I asked this again, but are you sure I can stay at your place for the whole summer?" asked Weiss, speeding up her horse a bit to catch up with Ruby.
"Yeah!" smiled red haired encouragingly. "They are really nice, but you should prepare for uncle Tai's puns" she leaned closer and whispered into white haired' ear. "I swear, they are faaaaarrrr worse than Yang's."
"Hey! I heard that!!"
"We're nearly there!!" announced Blake.
"Oh well. Race you there!! C'mon Autumn, fly like the wind!!" cried Ruby speeding up, her horse obeying gladly.
"That's not fair!! Me and Bumblebee are gonna bit you!" shouted Yang and 'flew' after Ruby.
"Our dolt of a partners" Weiss sighed but still smiled. "Lets go catch up to them."
"Let's go. Nightmare, speed up."

A/N Ok, to tell you the truth, this came up not as good as I wanted it to be O-O. The next chapter will be better though. Something big is coming and I'm excited to write it. The funniest thing is that I have written till chapter 16, but it's in one of my countless notebooks, so I need to write it down here. Anyways, don't forget to vote and live a comment below. See 'ya!!

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