Chapter 15: The Patch

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Blake said her goodbyes to the rest of her team and went to find a ship to Menagerie. Weather was nice, the sun shine bright and the waves shattered after making contact with the nearby ships. The port was huge and had different types of ships in it, starting from fishing ships and ending with armed military once.

"Come on Weiss" smiled Ruby. "Let's go find one going to Patch."

"No need to search" said Yang, getting down from Bumblebee. "I know a ship captain that owes me a favor. He'll get us home."

"Well, what are we waiting for then? Let's go" shrugged Weiss and hop off of Winter to follow her friends. "Lead the way!"

They found the ship there easily. It was probably the biggest passenger ship in the whole port. "Hey John !!" cried yang, getting the captain's attention. When the two made eye contact, Yang smiled and waved. "Throw us to Patch will 'ya? !!"

"Get on board" smiled the man. "We are going to Vacuo anyway." John was a man in his mid thirties, with brown hair and bright green eyes. He wore captain's sailor suit. "Take the horses below and feel free to do anything. The ride will take a day or less if the wind plays to our advantage."

"Thanks" said Weiss, bowing slightly in respect.

The ride was, let's sayyyyyy...ummm...boring? Yeah I think that's the right word to describe that. Nothing out of ordinary happened and they arrived to Patch by nightfall. Patch was a small island, pretty much completely covered by forest. "This place looks extremely peaceful" said Weiss looking around a bit.

"I know, right?!!" grind Ruby, standing beside white haired, Autumn's reins in her hands.

"Let's go you two. Dad is waiting for us."

They hopped on their horses and rode thru the forest. Despite the high chance of facing some grimm they got lucky enough to pass without any incident. As the forest ended Weiss saw a small town down the hill they were standing on. Yang pointed towards a house that was far from the others and smiled slightly. "That's our destination."

Ruby looked towards the house and whined. "Now I'm hungry" she complained. "Let's go, Autumn!" she and Yang sprinted down the hill, not saying anything else.

"Hey! Wait for me!! I don't know the place!!" cried Weiss and signaled for Winter to follow two girls.

In the Xiao Long-Rose house. Qrow's POV

Raven was in the kitchen making dinner before kids came back. It's refreshing to see her so excited after a while. Tai is still working on the armors, they need few things too be done before Ruby, Yang and Weiss can start wearing them but I don't think that they'll need them for a while. As for me, I was in the living room reading a book that I found there just to pass some time. After a while I heard the noise outside, like someone stopped their horse, quickly followed by someone's angry voice. "I can't believe you left me alone!!"

"But you found us and we were waiting for you up ahead" tried to defend herself the second voice.

"You know I have terrible orientation!!!"

"Maybe if you came out of our room more often you would develop that skill, Ice Queen" said Yang opening the front door and walking in. After she noticed me she smiled. "Hey uncle Qrow!"

" 'Sup kids" I replied with a smile on my own. "Raven is making dinner. It should be ready any minute now."

"Yey! Aunt Rae is the best!!" cheered Ruby, throwing her fist into the air.

"Hello, Mr. Branwen" Weiss then turned to me, completely forgetting about her earlier frustration. Ugh! Calling me Mister, makes me sound old.

"Just call me Qrow, kid."

"Ok, Qrow" she smiled. Heh, now I see why Rubes is so head over heels for her.

It was then Tai walked in drying his hands with a towel. "You three are late. What made you so slow?"

"Oh we just have a person with a crappy orientation" smirked Ruby, making Weiss blush slightly.

End of Qrow's POV

'Oooohh~~' said Myrtenaster's voice in white haired's head. 'Someone is embarrassed~~'

'Shut up!' she thought, a vein popping on her forehead

"Throw your weapons somewhere and come eat!" cried Raven from the kitchen. Weiss smirked slightly while the rest looked at her confused. She took her rapier and threw it to the wall as strong as she could. While Qrow and Tai looked at her like she was crazy, Yang and Ruby burst into laughter. Soon enough the weapon shined bright blue and turned into a boy.

"That's what you get for mocking me" smirked white haired victoriously.

Myrtenaster grumbled standing up and mumbled, rubbing his slightly sore head. "How did I even ended up with this crazy girl?! To throw an ancient ice demon into a wall? Though Emily was like that too"

"You deserved that" chuckled Ruby. "No one gets away with making fun on Weiss. That includes me too, I'm afraid" she said putting her swords in the corner of the room.

"Oh! Remember the time that Ice Queen froze your feet to the ground so you couldn't run or teleport anymore?" laughed Yang, hanging her bracelets on top of Ruby's swords.

"Shut it, you brute!" huffed Weiss walking to the two.

"You three got close" noticed Tai.

"And opened up a bit, Weiss" said Qrow.

"It's hard when you're with these complete dorks" smiled white haired. "Now, shall we eat? They were so hungry they left me you know."

On the ship with Blake.

It was already dark but Blake was standing on the deck of her ship to Menagerie. She took of her bow, letting the wind to take it away. "Huh. Won't need this anymore" she shrugged. "Need to get some sleep." She turned to walk to her cabin. On the way however, her ear twitched. Someone was behind her. Gripping the end of her short sword that was secured on her back, she turned around. "You don't think you can sneak on a cat, do you?!!" no response. "Show yourself!!!"

"It's been a while darling" said a voice. It sent chill down her spine.

She hissed. "Adam!" her ears flattened back against the head, eyes reflected fear. "What are you doing here?!! What do you want?!"

He lunged forward without a single word and clashed his sword with her tantō. Black haired jumped back to avoid being cut in half. She gritted her teeth, realizing that she left her Gambol Shroud back in her cabin.Blake blocked another slash aimed for her arm and turned into a cat. Something though managed to cut her leg. "Agrx!!" Blake cried in pain turning back into a human. 'What was that?' she thought, then noticed something strange. 'Why the other passengers aren't waking up from this noise?!'

"Ooooh~. You think that they'll wake up and help you? How adorable" said a female voice.

'I can't feel any presence?!! This is bad! She must be a really powerful illusionist!!'

"This is just too easy" said the voice again. Blake tried to crawl away, in hopes to save her life but something hard slammed into the back of her head. Before passing out she saw a green haired girl appeared in front of her. "Let's take her to Cinder" she said. After that everything faded into darkness.

A/N This chapter was supposed to be two separate ones, one for going to patch and the second all about Blake. As you can see I cut both those chapters and made one. Hope you don't mind the slight cliffhanger that I left you with. 😉 So, why do you think Cinder needs Blake? Comment your opinion below and don't forget to vote before leaving. See 'ya all next Sunday!

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