Chapter 22: The calm before the storm

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Ruby POV: (Wow! Now that's new!)

It's been only a day since I, Weiss and Yang came to Ezel. Yang looks sad, even if she tries to act all cheerful and happy around us. I can read her too well. She worries for Blake. I mean who won't? Weiss and I are worried sick too! Anyways. Today was just another peaceful day in the castle, but we were on the patrol like we all agreed. It was already late and I was getting worried. 'Those two still don't remember how to get to the room' I thought, sweet-doping. 'Where they are now? Well, better look for them a bit before going to our room, just in case.'

I sight and walked thru the hallways and entered the library. Weiss just loves to stay there before coming to the room. But she wasn't there either. "Where could she be?" I asked myself.

"If you're looking for Miss Schnee" sand pixie librarian looking at me, "she's not here. She left 10-15 minutes ago."

"Oh. Thank you."

I walked out and turned my footsteps to our room, guessing she was there already. I opened the door and to my surprise the small bedroom was dark and no one was in there. 'Strange' I thought walking close to the only source of light in the room, which was a candle on Weiss' table. 'Where could they all be?'

As I was about to walk out to search for my teammates somewhere else, something caught my attention. An open notebook was lying on the table and the light of the candle was showing Weiss' tidy handwriting. I've seen that notebook before. Every evening, to be honest. She even had it when we brought her to Remnant so I doubt that it's some sort of secret studying she dose. I know what they say about curiosity killing the cat but I can't help it! I needed to know what was in that notebook. That's why I walked to the table and picked up the notebook. It was pretty thick, maybe some 96 or 100 pages, I don't know. It had light blue cover with a whit snow flake shaped symbol drown on it. The same symbol that appears when she uses her ice-make magic. "Huh. I didn't know that Weiss can draw" I said to myself and opened the first page.

'October 30.

Dear dairy:

Thees are the last days of summer breaks. These three months weren't easy, just like the rest of my life, honestly. Father was like usual. Sometimes I miss the days when mom was alive. Anyways, I'm in university now and I hope that the things will be different, that I won't be an outcast like usual. At least I hope so. You know what the worst thing is? Today is the day Winter...died, and father doesn't even care! I bet he just forgot about her and mom and Whitley'

I wanted to stop. It's none of my business, I thought. But deep down I wanted to know through what she passed, what she thought about team RWBY and Remnant, did she like being in the same team as me and the others? And most of all I wanted to know what she thought about me. Is that selfish? I don't know and don't care.

'September 3.

Wow. So nothing changed, huh? I'm still teased by Cardin, who's unfortunately in my homeroom again; no one talks to me and even looks at me. Nothing out of ordinary.

September 4.

My life changed drastically. Today we had three transferred students. Mysterious black haired girl: Blake. Cheerful and all around goofy Yang and her cousin Ruby. She is really friendly. I mean she acted non violent towards me. Nobody did something like in more than 7 years. Ruby's kind, sweet. Her smile always makes me blush. I don't know what I feel about her. Maybe this is the filling of having friends?...'

I stopped. "Friends?" I asked myself. "Is that what I really am for her? Just a friend?" My heart ached at that thought. Don't know why but I kept reading. Something told me that this is important.

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