Chapter 20: Frea and the test

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Elora led Ruby, Weiss and Yang through the hallways to the back yard while Myrtenaster stayed with Xavier to chat a bit about Salem and what to do. "Princess Frea" Elora called. Instead of an answer a rustling was heard in the trees and an arrow flew at blond elf. She caught it between her middle and index fingers and smirked. "Good one. Now come out!"

"Damn it! I'll never get you El" sight another girl jumping off the tree. She had light green hair and ember eyes like Xavier. The girl looked at RW_Y and asked confused "Who are they?"

"Ruby, Yang, Weiss" introduced Elora. "The king insisted for them to work with me to protect you from any possible threats."

"What?!!" cried Frea surprised. "I don't need protection!"

"Told him you would say that" shrugged blonde. Princess's gaze landed on Weiss and something changed. A spark of interest lightened in her eyes. "On the other hand" she said looking away, "it'll be fun to spare with someone other then Elora."


"I'll be an honor for us, princess" bowed Weiss.

"No need to address formally, just call me Frea" she smiled.

"As you wish" smiled back Ruby, but frowned mentally while thinking. 'Why do I feel that we won't get along well?'

"Let's go!" exclaimed the excited princess. "El and I will show you three around. Try to remember everything will 'ya?"


The castle was HUGE!! It had lots of hallways that reminded a labyrinth. By the end of the tour their heads were spinning. "And we're back to the garden where we started" smiled Frea. She looked at how RW_Y was worn out and suggested. "Can you go to your rooms on your own? If no, I can accompany you."

"Neh. We'll be fine" grind Yang.

"Yup. I remembered the way" said Ruby. "Let's go girls".

Next morning:

Ruby, Weiss and Yang woke up in their respective beds from a loud knock on the door. "Wake up! It's time to see what you three can do!!" said Elora's voice from the other side. "Frea and I will be in the back yard. Be there in 30 minutes and don't be late!!" Weiss and Yang pulled the covers over their heads and mumbled. "Five more minutes~" Ruby looked at the ceiling with tired eyes. She hadn't slept much previous night, thinking about everything they discussed with Xavier that day. One thing was in her mind specifically. 'Mom was missing her eyes too after her body was found. But the attackers were White Fang members. Are they working for Salem too? In that case they could be the one behind Blake's disappearance. Our best option is to stop the attack here or in Lome and find information about them' she thought and sighed, sitting up in her bad and looking at her teammates. 'Need to wake them up first and get ready.' Red haired walked to her teammates' beds and threw the covers away. The cold air made the two to shut their eyes open and afterwards curl into a ball, trying to stay warm. "Get dressed, I'll take the sower till then. Don't you dare fall back asleep!"

After the said 30 minutes they were standing in the backyard, weapons ready for anything. Elora and Frea were waiting for them. "So, what are we doing?" asked Weiss looking at the two elves before her.

"We will have few tests before you can become official bodyguards. The king agreed to the terms we discussed yesterday, after you went to sleep" explained Elora.

"Nice!" smirked Yang cracking her knuckles. "What's the first test?!"

Frea held her hand in front of her and three bows materialised in it. She tossed them at the girls. "We'll have an archery first." RW_Y froze and paled a little. None of them was that of a range fighter, not included the part where Weiss and Yang threw some attacking spells. They looked at each other before Ruby spoke up. "I'm gonna fail this test" she said with a defeated sigh. The three aimed at the target that was 50 meters away and then at the one 200 meters away. First one Ruby and Yang hit the third out of six while Weiss was in the second one. Second target Ruby missed completely, Yang barely managed to stay in sixth and Weiss in forth. "Well, you all failed" smirked Elora, putting a hand on her hip. "On to the next one. It's obvious that you used a bow once in your life, if you even used it. So what do you use to fight?"

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