Chapter 23: Attack on Ezel

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Previously: Deciding that it was already too late, and it really was, both Ruby and Weiss laid on their beds, ready to get some rest for the following, long day. Before drifting into slumber, Ruby had an uneasy feeling in her gut, something was wrong.

Now back to the story 😁

A loud explosion made Ruby and her teammates shot their eyes open. It was still too dark to tell whether it was late at night or really early in the morning, without looking the time on their scrolls. It was actually 5 in the morning. "What the hell was that?!!" asked Weiss, trying to make sense in what was happening.

"We are under attack" explained Myrtenaster turning into a human. "Get ready. Quick!"It took them less than three minutes to change to their combat gear and pick up the weapons. Storming out of the room Ruby lead her teammates to the main hole of the castle. There they met up with Elora and Frea. "Where are the attackers?!" asked Yang as soon as she saw the two.

"On the western part of the first defense wall around the city. From what the few of our patrol groups were manage to tell us, there are only grimm, like we anticipated, but there are lots of them" explained Elora, while they all ran out of the castle. "They are quickly tearing through our defenses."

"We might still have a chance to stop them," said someone's voice. The girls stopped and took a look around. Soon a red portal opened before them and few figures walked out of it. "Hey there kids" smiled Raven, leaving the portal opened behind her for the rest of them to come out.

"Mom?!!" asked Yang surprised but then threw herself at the raven-haired. "I was sooo worried!!"

"You should know that it will take much more than that to take us down" smiled Raven slightly. Yang didn't respond but she cracked a small smile herself. Few figures then walked out of the still-open portal. The two were Taiyang and Qrow obviously, but the other four were people that RW_Y didn't expect to see. "JNPR?!" they exclaimed surprised.

"Yup!" grind Jaune. "Professor Ozpin sent us to help you out!"

Ruby and Weiss frowned at the mentioning of the headmaster of Beacon while Yang looked quite pissed off. Silence rose between them all. Ruby was the one to break it. "Did he even tell you what we're up against?"

JNPR and _TRQ exchanged confused glances. "An army?" questioned Pyrrha hesitantly.

"And a strong one" added Taiyang. "Led by someone not only really powerful but also experienced. Though we didn't see the commander in Lome."

"We are up against Salem! The goddess of the grimm and darkness!" explained Weiss. "Well, her minions who want to bring their leader here, light god's realm by creating lots of chaos. To put it simply."

"Unfortunately there isn't much time now to fill you in on every little detail," said Ruby. "Let's just say that Ozpin is the god of light and my eyes can hurt Salem better than anything and anyone else since I'm a silver-eyed warrior. Last of my race."

"We have a major attack going on in the western part of the outside gates" continued Yang. "Let's divide into groups so we can protect the wall more effectively."

"Tai, Raven and I can go together, princess Frea and her guard will join us too if they want. That leaves RW_Y and JNPR to go as two different groups" said Qrow. "Now, go!"

"Roger that!" cried everyone and split up.

With RW_Y

The three ran to the direction of the wall as fast as they could, but it was still pretty far away. The ten minutes they wasted was only to get to the gates around the castle. That meant that there were at least fifty minutes of walk till the outside wall. Soldiers were evacuating the citizens of the district that was under attack through the gates and it was, let's say, too crowded there at the moment. Luckily for team RW_Y, a small surprise awaited them at the entrance. The elve in charge noticed them. "Hey!" he cried, earning the attention of the three. "Come here!!"

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