Chapter 13: The stray cat

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A/N Can't believe that I actually forgot to post it 😅. Also, oh my god! 400 views already?! Thank you guys! 😁
"It was you, wasn't it?" asked Yang, narrowing her eyes.

"Yang, I'm not a White Fang member!" defended herself Blake, trying to sound sure but her voice betrayed her.

"Perhaps. But you always defended them. Remember that time?"


Team RBY was walking in the town one sunny Saturday, when they heard some folks' small talk.

"Have you heard? It seems like one of the villages in the northern part of the kingdom was destroyed by White Fang" said one of them.

"Yeah" answered the other one. "They got more active after the assassination of Rose's Thorn. She was truly something else."

Yang looked away, gritting her teeth while Ruby lifted her saddened gaze to the blue sky and mumbled to herself. "Yes. Yes she was."

"White Fang is a bunch of thieves, terrorists and criminals, nothing more" Yang threw through her teeth.

"That's not true Yang" spoke up Blake, drawing blonde's full attention. "White Fang was created to bring peace and equality to Shifters!"

"Are you ok with them killing innocent people then?!!" snapped Yang, getting more furious.

"No. I'm just saying that while their intentions are good, methods are not!!" raised her voice black haired.

"Guuuyysss. Stop fighting in the middle of the street" tried to calm her fiends down Ruby but with no result. Those two were too deep into their argument to even listen to her.

"The intentions don't matter while they steal and kill!!"

"Well White Fang was created because of the humans in the first place!!" shouted Blake. For a second both Ruby and Yang looked at her wide eyed, not every day you see her so upset or angry about something. Without saying a single word Blake dashed off, Yang, being too angry at the moment, decided to go back to Beacon. Fully aware of what frustrated Yang can do, the best option left for Ruby was to fallow her sister.

End of the flashback

"After that you were gone for a day" continued Yang, while Ruby and Weiss were looking at them silently. "Where were you? Out with your friends from the White fang?"

"Yang, I told you, I'm not a part of the White fang!!" Blake stood up, not breaking the eye contact with the blonde.

"Don't lie to me!! You were leaving at nights pretty often, coming back only by morning. Give me at least ONE reason for me not to suspect that you are a member!! Were you the one who killed Summer?!!"

The game of looking in the eyes was won by Yang. The cat girl stood in front of her, still, eyes closed, head a bit low and fists clinched. At some point Weiss noticed that she was trembling, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Tell me, Blake!!" shouted Yang, losing her temper.

"I admired White Fang as a child. But after the first leader, the king of the Shifters, left his post, it all changed SO I QUIT!!!" cried Blake, quickly regretting what she said. Taking small steps back black haired looked at her friends, who all were shocked. "I...I...uhh..."

In a split second Blake turned into a cat and jumped out of the window, leaving behind only her ribbon and still shocked teammates.

Time skip: 4 days later.

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