Chapter 4: The dungeon

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First day of the ride wasn't that bad. Weiss was feeling pretty comfortable with Ruby and Blake was sitting on Yang's shoulder. That was kinda cute. As it started to get darker team stopped and put their tents around the camp fire. In order to secure them from getting attacked by any monsters they took watches. First was Ruby, after 2 hours she woke up Yang, then Blake. The last to patrol was Weiss's. As the sun rose up team RWBY gathered their things and continued their ride to Skeleton nest. They reached the entrance of the dungeons at the end of the day.

"Ok. So we'll sleep here and tomorrow go find that enchanted rapier. Got it?" said Ruby.

"Yes leader!!" others answered together, then looked at each other with smiles.


The night was peaceful, not counting one incident with an ursa, which attacked on Blake's watch. She killed him with ease and that was all.

In the morning team waked up early and walked to the entrance of the dungeon. It had a lock with an anti-magic enchantment on it. "What should we do now?" asked Weiss.

"Obviously look for the key. We can't open this kind of lock with brute force" explained Yang.

"But were could it be?" thought Ruby out loud.

The search for the key was unsuccessful. Everyone expect from Weiss were searching. White haired on the other hand was drawing something after looking at the lock for few minutes.

"Hey princess!" said Yang a little annoyed by her friend's behavior. "Why don't you come and help us to find the key?! We are here for your weapon if you forgot!"

"First of all, how many tames should I tell you, Yang? Don't! Call me! PRINCESS!!" Weiss said angrily. "And secondly, I am trying to help you. I just need to know exactly how the key looks like so I can make it from ice, though I'm not sure if I can do that."

Ruby walked to Weiss without saying a word. She put her hands on white haired' shoulders and looked her in the eyes, those beautiful, sky blue eyes. "Weiss, you're a genius!" red haired said smiling happily. "I totally forgot about your magic!"

After few failed attempts to create the key from ice and exploding, Weiss managed to make it. And like that, with some snow still on her shoulder, Weiss Schnee and her friends walked into the dungeon.

They were walking in vary narrow corridor. But after some tame it started to get wider so all four of them were walking side by side. There was something thought that was bothering Blake. "Huumm. That's odd" she said to herself. "Usually these kinds of places are filled with monsters created from dark magic or traps." As if because of that, Yang stepped on a trap. Soon they heard a noise of something heavy rolling down at them. Girls turned around only to see a giant iron ball coming right at them. RWBY started to run as fast as they could.

"ARE YOU HAPPY NOW, BLAKE?!!" shouted Yang while running.

"It was you who activated that trap!! It's not my fault!!!"

"Can't you destroy it with our explosion magic, Yang?!!" asked Weiss.

"I can try" blonde turned around and ignited her fist with fire. She sent two fire-balls at the iron ball but it did no harm. "We're going to get crushed!!!" she yelled lousing hope.

"I can't teleport us behind it either!! Apparently the wall is moving alongside with the ball!!" said Ruby disappointed.

Just like that team RWBY was crushed. Pffff I'm just kidding. After some time of running, the four of them fell into a hole in the ground. It was large enough for RWBY but too small for the stone. The hole wasn't too deep so none of them was hurt after the fall, just super tiered.

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