Chapter 12: Learning with Ruby

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"Now, let's start" said Weiss.

"For the beginning, what do you know?"

"Nothing much, really. I remember few things about shifters, that mom told me" shrugged white haired thoughtfully.

"What exactly?"

"Weeelllll. They can turn into animals. That depends on what type of animal blood they have" started Weiss. "It's easy to know that the person is a shifter 'cause they usually have animal traits, like ears or tales, or something else."

"Wow! You weren't kidding about not knowing anything" Ruby said amused. 'Though it is pretty obvious, she lived Earthland after all.'

"Hey!" she pounded, playfully elbowing red haired and smiling slightly. "If I knew, I wouldn't ask you to help me!"

"S...Sorry" the girl in red replied feeling a bit guiltily. "Now let's start from the beginning. There are 9 basic races in the world of Remnant: humans, elves, goblins, pixie, shifters, werewolves, vampires, gnomes and grimm. Even so, there is an old legend saying, that there were once gods living here, thousands of years ago before portals to Earthland started to open. Some people think that's because of a conflict between the gods those portals opened. But..." Ruby shrugged "that's just a legend."

"If there are so many races then why I haven't seen gnomes or elves walking around the city?" Weiss tilted her head.

Making a smart face Ruby looked at the ceiling and continued explaining. "Grimm, vampires, werewolves and goblins are considered as dark races or so called monsters. They don't have countries or even cities. Instead they live in small groups, are usually going to Earthland or attacking poorly defended villages here. The others have territories on their own and of course borders with other kingdoms. Our race mainly live on continent of Mantle, northern parts of Anima and Sanus" at this point Weiss was looking at Ruby confused and with a face that was screaming 'WHAT?!'. Letting out a heavy sigh raven haired stretched her hand and picked up the map that was lying on her table.

 Letting out a heavy sigh raven haired stretched her hand and picked up the map that was lying on her table

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"Here, this should make easier for you to understand. As I already said humans live here, here and here" she pointed on the map. "The kingdoms are named the same way as their capital. We are in Kingdom of Vale, on northern Sanus. Vale trains warriors to fight evil monsters. Most of the hunter academies are located here along side with few that train knights."

"You can become knight here too?!" asked Weiss surprised.

Ruby nodded. "Even so, citizens usually go to hunter academies such as Beacon. Knights become people with low magical potential and the once who want to serve the king directly and be respected."

"Isn't it a bit unfair? It's not their fault that they don't have high magical abilities."

"Weeeell. You can increase your potential by really hard trainings, I guess" answered Ruby thoughtfully. "But it requires patients and studiousness․ Most people just drop the idea. Anyways where did I stopped? Oh yeah! Here on Mantle is kingdom of Atlas. It has the best academies for knights and also this kingdom provides with new technologies and resources."

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