Chapter 21: Escape

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We hit 1k reads!! Yey! Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting on this story! This really made my day after another tiring after-school one. Again, thank you all and hope you'll enjoy this chapter.

Blake POV:

A day had passed since Aaron and Eileen were taken to where I and the other two were, I think. They were both nice. It's refreshing to see someone new. We all set in a circle like usually, talking about something, though I was quiet. Something was bothering me. That Mercury guy definitely used magic in the room. But that shouldn't be possible! Only if that's the room that blocks our aura. Maybe it's something else? Something that we all have in common. "That's is!" I said standing up, all of a sudden.

"What is it?" asked Eileen.

I grinned like an idiot in response. "Wow, you figured something out that made you smile like that?" asked Nick raising a surprised but yet a bit sarcastic brow.

"Oh shut up" I huffed my grin turning into a smile. "I can laugh and smile too, you know!"

"Only when you talk about your teammate, Yang" smirked Mia making me blush slightly. Honestly I always thought that human princesses are supposed to be stubborn, in a bad way, and really spoiled! Good thing she's not like that.

"Um...well...n-nevermind that. I was thinking about how Mercury used magic the other day."

"Yes I actually found it really strange too" said Mia turning serious.

"After thinking about it for some time I came to a conclusion that it's not the room that blocks our magic energy, but something else. So, what do we have in common despite being heirs?" no one answered and I showed the wound on my hand and arm. "We all got injured fighting off Adam."

"What dos that have to do with all of this now?" asked Aaron confused.

"It's all in the sword. I worked with him long ago and never saw him use it. On top of that, I was attack when I was going back to Menagerie from Vale. Wherever we are now it should have taken at least a day to reach. By that time my aura should've healed the cut."

"But it didn't! It was fresh when I first saw you!" stopped me Mia. "Blake you're a genius!!"

"Thank you" I said bowing slightly in more of a playful way. "I was also thinking about getting out of here. This room is driving me crazy!"

"How are we even going to do that?" asked Nick.

I was about to confess that I haven't came up with a plan yet, when I heard a faint footsteps and my ears perked up. "Someone's coming, act normal!" Aaaaand, I was right. Of course. Soon enough the door opened and a White fang soldier walked in. He has blond short hair with two lion ears on his head and an equally blond lion tail.He walked in with trays of food in his hands. Interesting. I think I know him from somewhere. And where is Emerald that usually bring us our food. Strange. But before I could ask anything Mia spoke up. "Where is Emerald?" She took the words right out of my mouth!!

The man knelt down and put the trays on the ground. "She's away with Cinder, Mercury, most part of the White fang and Adam of course" he said, taking it out a small greenish black dagger and tossed it to me "It is the best opportunity for you all to run away. They all left an hour before."

"Why are you helping us?" asked Aaron.

In respond the soldier only smiled. That's when I realized from where I knew his face!! "Neval? Is that really you?" I asked confused, hoping for him to be my childhood friend from the time when I didn't knew that I could use magic.

He smiled again. "Missed me Blakey?"

"Val!" I ran to hug him and he gladly hugged back, wrapping his arms around me. He really haven't changed at all. Still taller than me for like 20 centimeters and extremely warm. He can match with Yang if he wanted to, to be honest.

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