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*10 years later*

Piero's POV:

Today was the day. I had no idea on how I was going to react. I did the usual routine: Get up, get ready for work, wake up the kids, and prepare breakfast. But today's routine was going to be different. I had received a call from Samanta and Ignazio, two days ago, about this.

"Come on kids! You don't want to be late for your first day of school!" I shouted from the kitchen. I set the table for the four of us, and placed their lunches in their backpacks.

Orange juice, pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon strips was today's breakfast. I placed everything in the middle of the table and turned to grab some forks.

"Dad! Where's my backpack?" I heard Camilla shouting as she came down the stairs.

"All of the backpacks are in the living room. Is your brother awake? And your sister?" I asked.

"Yes dad. I'm up. Hey! Something smells good." Angel said.

"Yes. Just hurry up guys, I still have to come back and get some paperwork to take to the office." I said as I grabbed the newspaper from the counter. I turned and saw Isabella come down and sat down, quiet, like always.

We ate in silence once again. We finished and placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and went up to brush our teeth. I took their bags and waited for them outside in the car. They came out running and got in. Once we arrived at the school I told them "Go straight home ok. I'll call you guys and pass by to drop off some food. Be good and good luck!"

I felt like crying of joy whenever they went in. My first two children were now in high school and Isabella in middle school. I kissed Isabella's forehead now, and waved goodbye, glad off them, I drove back home.


"Here you go guys. Umm, I'll call you once I'm on my way back ok. Call me if you guys need anything or if there's anything wrong." I saw them all nod in agreement and left immediately.


I walked by the white corridors. I couldn't think of anything else, only in seeing her. I stopped right in front of the door the nurse had told me she would be in. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I took a few steps forward and I could see her laying in that bed, surrounded with a plastic curtain, like if she had some dangerous disease. My heart dropped, I couldn't breathe, all I wanted to do is cry. Cry because my lovely Venus was in that bed.


hey guys! im back! im not that sure if I'm going to be writing frequently but I promise I would update as soon as I can :) Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

p.s: what do you guys think? nd I know its all sad and stuff, sorry. I bet ur confused too but dont worry, ill clear that up along the story.

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