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Theo POV

"So you want me to watch over your 7 year old daughter?". I asked again in disbelief making Matthew nod.

"Yes, for the next year her and yourself will be leaving to Texas I've already brought the house". Matthew explained as he moved things around on his desk.

He handed me a picture of his daughter looking at him he flashed a small sad smile.

"This picture seems old, is it?". I asked as I placed the picture back in his hand.

He nodded to the question, "I haven't seen my oldest daughter in years, this was the last picture I kept of her before things went downhill for my family".

"Her name is Beyoncé, she's my baby girl. We weren't very close after what happen but I still keep her safe, but you know I'm a very known man. Someone leaked a photo of her and now they know I have a weakness it's her. I didn't manage to save my wife and younger daughter, but now I need you to watch and keep her safe for me. I have to handle some things".

"But why do I have to watch her isn't she grown now?".

"Because, you're my second hand man and I trust you in one year my daughter will be in one piece or your dead".

Pushing my chair in I followed behind him as we walked down the spiral stairs.

Hoping on the couch I snatched the Xbox controller from Jay. "He got a daughter?!". I nodded loading up Grand Theft Auto.

"He showed me a picture of her when she was younger but none recently, it's just to much and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it". Running my hand through my hair I stood up as the front door opened.

"Daddy!?". Jay and I looked at each other before rushing into the kitchen.

"Come here Theo". Matthew said after letting her go.

Walking in front of her and him she looked me up and down before turning to him.

"Beyoncé, this is Theo, he's gonna be your bodyguard for the next year". Matthew said making Beyoncé frown

"My Bodyguard?! I'm 22! I'm a grown ass woman I don't need anyone to watch me I can handle myself!". She said rolling her eyes.

"Beyoncé, please you have to listen". He pleaded as shook her head.

"You know what fuck this I'm leaving you haven't seen me in 15 years and suddenly I have to listen to you!". She shouted as tears ran down her face. "If it wasn't for you my mother and sister would be alive!".

Matthew turned to me before grabbing his suitcase. "Your job starts now! Go get her everything you need is on the counter boys let's go". He shouted before opening the front door.

"Good luck". Jay shouted before patting my shoulder before leaving me alone.

 Jay shouted before patting my shoulder before leaving me alone

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