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Beyoncé POV...
2 month later...

"James go get the some water she's throwing up again". Laying beside the toilet Munchie walked in sitting in front of me.

"Here babygirl". Grabbing the bottle I washed it around before spitting in the toilet.

"Can you help me up please?". James nodded helping me up. Flushing the toilet I went to the sink brushing and washing my mouth out.

"Beyoncé! Get your fucking dog". James shouted as Munchie tried to bite his ankles.

Seeing he was about to kick him I pushed James back glaring at him. "I fucking dare you". Scooping Munchie up I gently ran my fingers through his fur.

Walking to the bed I put him down before I laid back down. This had been a daily thing for the last month and half. I refuse to believe I was pregnant again so I pushed it to the back on my mind.

"You hungry?". James asked as I looked over at him. "Yes". He walked over standing in front of me before helping me up. Walking behind him we walked down the circular staircase.

I felt small under the stares of the other men that also lived in this huge ass mansion.

Turning around I grabbed Munchie regretting it as I felt a hard slap to my behind. I screamed out in surprise before seeing Erza. "Forget about that white boy and let a real man like myself give you a good time". He whispered as I ignored him speeding walking to the kitchen.

"I heard you screaming, are you alright? Did anyone do anything?". James asked as I shook my head.

As much as I hated being kidnapped, and hated everyone James was the only person I trusted. "Do you want your favorite?". Nodding I sat in a chair looking around the big kitchen.

"Here". Grabbing the plate full of pancakes, bacon, eggs and oatmeal I was happily eating because I was starving.

"I made sure the eggs weren't burned this time". He joked as I softly smiled.

"Thank you James".

"I'm gald you can cook because I really can't". I said about to eat the egg on my spoon but it was snatched out my hand.

Turning to see Erza eating it I huffed in frustration,

"Sharing is caring". He whispered touching my bare thigh. Feeling his lips come in contact with my neck I felt my food coming up so Instead of holding it down I turned to him.

Hearing laughing I ignored it trying to stop throwing up. And again I couldn't stop it.

"Instead of fucking laughing why won't y'all help her! Get y'all asses back to work and Erza get the hell out her face". James shouted walking around pulling my chair out.

"I'm sorry". I whispered as Erza glared at me.

"Hey stop crying, it was an accident, your okay don't your work yourself to much calm down, can you make it up the stairs?". James whispered wiping my tears.

Nodding I slowly walked up the stairs hearing the familiar bells behind me as shouted and crashing noises were heard downstairs,

Going into the bathroom I took a long bubble bath before brushing and washing my mouth out.

Pushing my covers back I climbed in the bed Munchie laying beside me as I closed my eyes.


Screaming out my eyes focus on the figure before they put a hand over my mouth.

"Quiet! You won't like it if you fight". He whispered as tears ran down my face.

Munchie barked at Erza before he roughly grabbed him throwing him.

While he did that I tried to run to the door I didn't make it far before he grabbed my waist throwing me on the bed.

"I've waited so long to do this". Fighting to keep him from ripping my clothes he slapped me making me scream out as he pulled my pants down.

Kicking him back he ran back up as I closed my legs squeezing them shut.

"Stop fighting it, I know you like me". Shaking my head he forcefully pushed inside me as I screamed and begged for him to stop.

Beating on his chest he kept going as I closed my eyes praying for this to not be real.

Then it stop I didn't hear anything. I kept my eyes closed in fear.

Hearing a gun shot going off my eyes snapped open seeing James hovering over Erza who screamed out in pain holding his shoulder.

"Have you lost your fucking mind you pussy ass bitch?!". James shouted punching him repeatedly as Erza stayed still,

"Why did I come in the house to hearing her screaming?! I run in and see you on her! She begged for you to stop and you didn't you fucking disgusting ass nigga". Hearing another gun shot go off the door busted open as more people ran in to see what happened.

Pulling the covers over my body I tried to hear what they were saying but their voices were becoming distant. James was standing in my face talking to me but I couldn't hear it I could only hear my heart thumping.

"Beyoncé?!". He shouted as my eyes fluttered closed

"Can you hear me?!".

"No! Someone call the doctor! Her eyes rolled into the back of her head".

"No! Someone call the doctor! Her eyes rolled into the back of her head"

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Thank you for reading my book... I made a mistake and deleted a chapter I'm salty asf

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