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Aiden POV

"Beyoncé where are you doing?". I asked watching as she did her hair in the mirror,

"What does it look like?". She asked turning to face me before looking back at the mirror.

"Do I look cute?". She did a spin for me, I nodded with a smile.

 She did a spin for me, I nodded with a smile

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"I love you, your cute as hell babygirl". Kissing her cheek I interlocked our fingers before grabbing my keys.

"Wait, Munchie come here my baby". She yelled I soon heard his little bells.

She scooped him up in her hands before walking out the door.

"Where are we going?". She asked as I closed the door,

"Somewhere fun".

Watching as she placed Munchie in her lap she put her seatbelt on before laying her head on the window.


"Let's get a funnel cake". Beyoncé said handing me Munchie as he stared back at me.

Giving her the money she happily skipped over to it as I pulled out my phone going to the camera.

She came back with a frown on her face. "They don't have any more". Handing her Munchie I pulled her into my lap.

"You want mines?". Looking up James was standing their with a funnel cake before he sat down.

"I swear y'all following me". He teased sitting beside Beyoncé as she rolled her eyes.

"Who's puppy is this?". He asked as Munchie growled when he tried to pet his head.

"He's my puppy, and I need you to not touch him thank you". She said as he put his hands up in surrender,

"I'm not gonna eat it you can have it if you want". She stared at him then the cake before taking it.

"Thank you". She softly said smiling,

"No problem beautiful".

After Beyoncé ate she wanted to do bumper cars and James wouldn't leave us alone so we let him join us.

"That was fun". She said breathless,

"Munchie done went to sleep he can't hang". I teased as he was sleep in beyoncé arms.

"Can you win me a big bear". Beyoncé softly asked flexing her dimple.

Going to the basketball court I paid the man twenty,

"Watch your white mamba get you the bear". I joked as she laughed.

Holding the white big bear she smiled hard hugging me. "Now I gotta make sure Munchie doesn't chew him up".

"I have to go pee, watch my bear". Grabbing it I pulled her back trying to grab Munchie.

"He's woke, he can come in with me". She said putting him on the floor. Like always he followed behind her.

Staring at my phone I bit my lip she's been in the bathroom for about 20 minutes,

Knocking on the girls bathroom door I got no response.

"Beyoncé you alright in there?". I shouted before running to a worker.

"I need you to open the bathroom for me".

Taking them to the restroom they opened it.

Pushing the worker back I walked in not seeing Beyoncé anywhere.

Pulling my phone out I checked the location to see if I could find her but hers was turned off.

Calling Jay I told him Beyoncé was gone.

Sprinting to the car I put her bear in the back before speeding off.

Sprinting to the car I put her bear in the back before speeding off

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This has officially became Taken, thank you for reading my book

I finished this book in 2018 and re reading the white mamba part made me cry :( because i based it off black mamba for kobe 💔 to think he'd be gone two years after.. :(

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