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Beyoncé POV

"See your doing great"

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"See your doing great". Aiden said coming up behind me as I hit the target.

"Well I have a great teacher". I smirked as he kissed my cheek.

"Try again but put your arm up a bit more and move back a bit". Doing as I was told I hit a headshot before I did a dance.

A bullet hit the ceiling making me stop putting the gun down. "Oops". Aiden shook his head before walking over to his side.

"Now, let me help you since I'm now a pro shooter". I said getting up behind him holding his arm up.

"Do everything you told me but now I'm saying it". He raised an eyebrow but did it and hit the head five times.

"See I'm almost at your level". He teased putting the gun down, turning to me.

"It took you 4 hours just for one headshot". Rolling my eyes I hit his shoulder before pulling my head defenders off and glasses.

 Rolling my eyes I hit his shoulder before pulling my head defenders off and glasses

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"Where are you going?". Aiden asked startling me. "I'm going to take a shower". I said putting my ponytail to a bun.

"Have room for one more?". Shaking my head I tried to close the door only for him to put his foot in it.

"You don't want to save water?". Opening the door he closed it stripping out his clothes as I got in first.

 Opening the door he closed it stripping out his clothes as I got in first

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Grabbing the towel I handed one to Aiden as I began to wash up. Getting pulled back I cursed myself for the small moan that escaped my lips.

Feeling his lips come in contact with my neck made me hot.

"A-aiden stop". He didn't listen he turned me around to face him before he kissed me softly.

He pulled away dropping to his knees.

"Please don't". I whispered as he looked up at me before sticking his tongue in my center making me grip his head.

He sped up making me grip his hair harder as he groaned.

My moans grew louder as he went faster he gripped my legs so I wouldn't fall.

A loud moan escaped my mouth as I looked back at him in a daze. He only smiled before picking me up.

"Don't get my hair wet". I mumbled as he ignored my protest holding his under the shower head.

"You never listen, now my hair is messed up". I whined whimpering when I felt my lip being sucked.

Looking at him as my back hit the showers wall he grabbed my arms putting them over my head as he pushed inside. "Go faster". I demanded biting and sucking on his neck.

"Turn around". He said breathless as I did was I was told before I screamed out.

"Baby, that hurts". I said as he bending me down lower grabbing my hips going faster.

He pulled my neck to the side kissing me as I felt myself about to come undone.

Feeling the warm liquid shoot inside made my come harder as my legs gave out.

"I got you baby". He turned me around kissing me before I bit my lip when he pulled himself out.

Pushing him down I straddled him.


Laying on Aiden's chest we sat in my room watching a movie. Yawning again made him look down at me. "Are you sleepy?". He asked as I shook my head. I lied. "Stop lying you were just sleep". He teased as I giggled.

"No I wasn't I was just trying to think". He laughed pulling me directly on top of him.

"You can go to sleep, I will always be here when you wake up". He whispered as I listen to his heartbeat.

"You promise?". I whispered feeling suddenly emotional. "I promise". He said kissing my forehead.

 He said kissing my forehead

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